This Lions Gate 8/8 portal is a powerful AMPLIFICATION PORTAL, and that means everything that is to shift within us is being amplified right now so we can transmute what no longer serves us.

At each cycle of ascension & with each Lions Gate Portal, the photon light being shared with the planet grows, yep this year’s 8/8 frequencies are even higher than last year’s 🫶🥵😇

The higher the frequency of Light, Love & Abundance is, the deeper it goes into our subconscious.

Dormant boxes we kept our unprocessed emotions neatly stored in, open, and we finally feel aspects of ourselves we stored away.

Thought patterns, programs, imprints, and ways of behaving that no longer serve us in our next timelines are brought to the surface so we can let them go.

This is happening physically, emotionally, and mentally.

If you are experiencing physical discomforts, &/or feelings and thoughts of separation, please remember, this is happening FOR YOU & not TO YOU.

The 8/8 portal serves to take our planet and all life upon her into the new. Yet to fully transition into new versions of Gaia, we are required to become new versions of ourselves.

This Lions Gate comes with a big focus on heart healing and opening, inviting all souls to let go of layers of fear to be loved, and fear to fully love others.

The theme this year is also to receive abundantly and open up even more to receive ALL the abundance there is!

This means scarcity is purging physically, mentally & emotionally, and the heart is going through processes of purification and letting go of protection/fear-based technology.

What we see in the world is a reflection of what is within us that is transforming. So as this is a time of great transition please remember to create space to fully receive the upgrades and allow the old inner software to be released.

1. Emotionally, this is a time when unprocessed lower-light emotions come up for transmutation.

You can feel waves of sadness, loneliness, grief, anger, scarcity, fear, defeat, anxiety…

Or a cocktail of many.

If you are wondering WHY these emotional purges happen, it’s mainly because most of us learned to suppress our emotions, and our ascension into soul embodiment has us feel what we suppressed in order to bring all aspects of ourselves into unity instead of separation.

Please remember that you can watch them leave the field without going into them 🫶 (even if your fav sports team loses, or you don’t get your way with something or someone 😉)

Create space to Breathe into your heart, calibrate your nervous system and emotional field, many times per day if needed, and continue to ask:

“Soul, what is the highest purpose of this emotional process?”

so you can download your highest perspective for your mind to anchor into.

All huge ascension processes are happening FOR US & each one has many gifts to receive upon completion.

Some processes take us well beyond our comfort zones and have us face aspects of ourselves we were unaware of, make big changes in the way we treat ourselves and others, and have us have conversations we have been putting off.

2. Physically: get lots of rest/sleep, stay hydrated, stretch/move the body – eat nutrient-rich foods or even do a detox.

I like to lay down in bed daily, relax all my muscles, and consciously open all my atoms.

I see my atoms open like flowers bloom and I allow the old software to release and the new software to enter.

(9/10 times I fall asleep for a bit when I do this, so the process can be 15 minutes to a few hours 😂😴)

3. Mentally: If your mind is confused or looping a lower perspective narrative, keep reminding the mind that it can only perceive the tip of the iceberg right now, and this is not a time to come to any big conclusions on any topic.

Keep lovingly reminding the mind:

“We are undergoing a huge process and all the pieces shall come together soon,
this is ALL happening FOR US & not TO US,
be patient,
choose love,
choose forgiveness,
choose abundance,
choose to see this through the eyes of Source light & our Soul.
We have so got this!!”

Lions Gate is a profound time to choose our highest timelines and take action toward them.

It’s also a time to BE with what comes up and not allow the mind to create HUGE narratives of doom & gloom and instead remind the mind & emotional body that it is in a process that shall complete soon 🫶

That the process is happening FOR YOU and not TO YOU 🫶

I hope these 3 tips serve you during this powerful time as much as they serve me 💛

Much love, Gaby 🫶