5D business is not business like we have ever known it to be before…

5D business exists in a completely different grid than 3D business.

Actually, It can not even accurately be called “business” anymore, as it is so different in its quantum & physical structure.

Just as we personally ascend to let go of our attachment to 3D realities & 3D values like, fame, money, power, success, & needing others to approve of us!

Our business evolves out of those grids also & becomes a living consciousness of pure light.

We and our business step into our sovereign selves and create realities of our divine choosing!

Our excitement and what drives us changes forever!!

We unlock more of our souls skills and gifts from other lifetimes, and the memory of how to turn energy into matter to create abundant realities of our divine joyful creation …

We also unlock more of our soul missions and act in full alignment with them,

In short, we leave a true soul legacy of light on earth.

A 5D business is a business that took the same evolution of consciousness as we did to leave the 3D collective reality.

The values of a 5D business are different!

Profit is not the driver anymore as we can leave the 3D public system all together and have abundant ‘non-for profit ministries’ of light that are coded with our soul mission codex & restructure the grids of Gaia, collapse old timelines, and create new ones.

Our excitement truly becomes ‘soul mission legacy’ and being a full expression of our soul frequency, to serve divinely with a pure heart, and know…

We came here to co-create a New Golden Age of Existence…

A world that lets go of Duality consciousness & enters Unity consciousness and the Higher Realms of Existence!

And to do that, EVERYTHING changes, everything becomes a very new version of its old prior self.

As we continue our ascension journey, our “business” reflects that shift in our consciences & transforms from a business, into a Multi Dimensional Temple, or Empire of Light 🙏💫

It becomes a divine vehicle to bring in & stabilize a New Golden Age (AKA New Earth) for all 💜

If you know in every fiber of your being that you are here to be part of co-creating a New Earth and bringing in a Golden Age once again on our planet, please keep reading …

I have the honor to facilitate “The New Earth Mission Collective” (NEMC), a truly amazing playground for Ascending Missioned Souls.

This is my most advanced offering I have and is for souls who are deeply devoted to their soul ascension & soul mission journey.

This journey offers a deep multidimensional embodiment and profound soul memory retrieval, to call back more of your soul codex, to serve your soul tribe at the highest, and create new realities outside the collective grid.

Each Quantum Coded Empire of Light that is anchored from the Souls receiving these advanced codes and templates, shall grid the planet with light and anchor each soul into alternate realities, creating 5D Earth.

Each Quantum Coded Empire of light around our planet works to co-create and stabilize the New Earth Realities and timelines for all.

Each Empire of Light is built in the quantum & physical realms with advanced templates of abundance and service, & supports you to scale in a way that brings profound freedom and the fulfillment of your soul mission destiny.

So this powerful ascension journey for you and your business is also a soul mission.

If you are feeling called to create a true 5D Empire of Light. Please click here to continue the conversation: https://gabykowalski.org/new-earth-mission-collective/

Choose Heart Consciousness
Choose 5D
Gaby 💜