5D consciousness is just the beginning!
Gaia and the New Earth is a 7D planet 🌎🍃🌱🫶
In our evolution and ascension journey toward a New Earth, our consciousness lets go of 3D and 4D constructs, codes, and thought forms, and evolves into 5D, 6D, and 7D.
5D truly is just the beginning of our evolutionary journey here with Gaia.
Once we embody mainly 5D, we continue to embody 6D and 7D, and this is where our Higher Missions & Lives activate. 💛
Here is a little summary of the upgrades we undergo to be in our highest timelines of Life, Mission, and Leadership:
*3D consciousness* – live in duality, with little access to being the embodiment of an infinite being and sovereign creator.
Creating realities that are cookie-cutter to others around you.
And living through the nervous system in reaction to life.
( perception of right/wrong, good/evil), and creation of realities of contrast )
*4D consciousness upgrades* – experience time warps, access alternate and parallel versions of self. Here you begin remembering you are a multidimensional being and understanding the multidimensional universe.
4D unlocks much within us to transform and alchemize so we can ascend to higher consciousness.
( In 4D, we continue to live in duality – right/wrong, good/evil & continue to create realities of contrast )
*5D consciousness upgrades* – these are the layers of deep soul embodiment and becoming a multidimensional being. Here we embody that the physical and non-physical are one. Here our ego evolves, and we shift from “me, me, me” to “us, us, us.” 💛
( This is the beginning of unity consciousness and letting go of duality & accessing true sovereignty, love, and peace )
*6D consciousness upgrades* – these are the layers of remembering how to form realities, timelines, and worlds that are not a duplicate of what was, but instead a pure crystalline creation with our soul. (This is the beginning of true Creator Consciousness in co-creation with Source Light.) Here we build the quantum architecture that forms new realities and the new grids of Gaia.
*7D consciousness upgrades* – these are the layers of true unity consciousness and being one with all life on our planet. Here we see our whole universe as our home and care for all life. 💛
( This is where the dream of a free and abundant planet becomes reality ) 💛
And so, the New Earth Vision, where humanity lives in more love, abundance, unity, and peace with all life on our planet and in the stars, is realized when we take the journey of evolution and ascension into our 7th consciousness.
Our Higher Missions come online when we go beyond 5D, into 6D and 7D, as here we activate the timelines to travel the world and very consciously create the new grid architecture of Gaia.
Here we truly embody our Higher Selves and Co-Create divine realities with our Soul, Gaia & Source.
Realties beyond what has ever been before, make this planet the most delicious playground and true heaven in physical form 💛
Much love,
G x