What makes up the 1% in the IMPACT industry ??
The answer is simple,
They take a journey to
Over the years I’ve witnessed many ‘Impact driven beings’ grow their empires,
and the ones that have a deep love and reverence for their soul mission and their continuous evolution,
end up becoming masterful at leading an IMPACT Empire.
They market and sell for Impact and the realization of their soul mission.
They build an empowered team, and they become great leaders.
They Co-Create their business with their soul, in total alignment with their soul mission destiny.
And they enter their highest timeline in business, and have it ALL!
For over 20 years I’ve been immersed in personal & professional evolution ✨🤓
And I continue my evolution as I truly believe that evolution never ends, it simply expands and transforms.
I began my ‘Business & Evolution’ journey with books, audio programs & kinesiology sessions.
Then I added courses, events, masterminds, coaches & mentors.
Now many years later, I have the honour of being personally mentored by 7D light beings.
And I feel it’s super cool that my path has taken me to this place,
A place where my personal mentors are the non physical collective consciousness of Arcturus in the 7th Dimension!
Right? 😍
My inner galactic geek thinks this is so awesome ✨🤓✨
I do ALL the homework my Arcturian Mentors give me.
I listen to the recordings of my sessions with them many times in-between our next session.
I Implement EVERYTHING they guide me to do.
I put in many many hours per week doing the homework I am given by them.
Because I have a deep love and reverence for my mission and my evolution!
Because I value their teaching and divine support, and wish to honour them with implementing what they teach.
Because I am a mentor, and know what it feels like when my clients don’t implement and honour my teachings, and I love my Arcturian mentors too much to dis respect them in this way.
Even though I am being mentored and upgraded by an advanced civilization in the universe.
I still do the work and don’t ( even for a second) expect them to do it all for me.
I have always had this reverence for growth, and I truly believe it’s what creates the 1%.
To me, ‘IMPACT’ BUSINESS MASTERY is a way of being.
It’s not a destination or a result, it’s a complete dedication to calling back more soul mission memory,
It’s a deep knowing that the world is changing fast before our eyes,
and the old 3D ways of doing business are becoming obsolete.
It’s a deep commitment to activate 5D business templates into all strategy, systems and departments.
And remember that evolution never ends, it simply transforms and expands.
Those that commit to their Soul Mission, Impact Business Mastery & Personal Multi-Dimensional Evolution…
Become the 1% in the New Earth.
1. They never stop growing – they remain a student and their evolution is not a destination, it’s a way of life.
2. They have a deep love & reverence for their mission and personal evolution.
3. They implement what their mentors teach them with great reverence.
4. They take courageous action. They don’t wait for perfect timing, they take couscous leaps of faith in alignment to becoming the version of themselves in their highest timeline.
5. They keep transmuting any distortions in their frequency & business strategy, and activate higher frequency templates and codes in their business & in their energetic, emotional and mental fields.
6. They build a mission aligned team that rocks at the stuff they don’t rock at & a team that supports the divine execution of all business departments.
7. They have outstanding Impact focused Marketing & Sales practices.
8. They become Divine Leaders, empower & inspire their teams to be the highest expression of service.
9. They value Impact & Abundance and take the continuous journey of Mastery in both.
10. They never give up on their Vision & Mission & continue their evolution journey.
11. They do the inner work & the 3D work to serve at the highest and unlock deeper codes of impact & abundance.
12. Most importantly – They Co-Create their business with their soul and galactic soul family, download their aligned actions & take those actions even if it’s uncomfortable and a bit scary.
I find it fascinating when I see people looking for that ‘magic pill’ to being an overnight success in business.
Because the highest timelines of success in business is a journey of becoming masterful at business,
and building a team that has great love and reverence for the business mission and their own mastery with what they do.
Our team and us (collectively) devote ourselves to …
💎Becoming masterful at Impact sales
💎Becoming masterful at Impact marketing
💎Becoming masterful at Impact operations
💎Becoming masterful at Impact leadership
💎Becoming masterful at Abundant finance & activate internal & external abundance codes
💎Becoming masterful at Impact product / service delivery
💎Become masterful at multi dimensional systems
💎Become masterful at co-creating with soul, our galactic soul family & source.
All of these mastery codes lead to having a profound Impact Empire & accessing our highest timeline in business.
Yet it’s a journey to activate and fully embody these codes.
And those that seek an over night success and do not implement (with great reverence) what they learn, and dedicate themselves to mastery…..
end up very frustrated and annoyed.
I’ve watched many of my peers do the same courses as I did along my growth journey,
and they did not shift to timelines of having their business vision realized.
Why ?
Because they did not implement and dedicate themselves to mastery.
They did not continue their evolution journey.
They did not master all departments of business, and their inner world.
They wanted the ‘magic pill’ to an over night success.
Building an Impact empire takes time and it’s one of the greatest personal and spiritual evolutions we can take.
If we quantum jump to the result before we have become embodied with the divine codes of business & abundance,
we end up overwhelmed with the responsibility of a big empire and often loose it all.
Yes we can bend time & space and quantum jump into timelines of great wealth.
Yet without the embodied codes of divine business & divine abundance, the reality is not our highest timeline.
This is why so many people that win Tatts Lotto end up so much worse off for it.
Because they did not embody abundance in all the layers of their being.
Playing the long game in business means we take the journey of mastery,
and that means we are destined to shift into the highest timeline of our big business vision.
It’s funny how people accept that it takes years to acquire a P.H.D,
but so many have been falsely sold the idea that building a powerful and sustainable business can happen almost over night.
I’m calling B.S on anyone who tries to manipulate Impact Driven soul with false promises that they can do a 3 day event and build a 7 figure empire!!!!
I call B.S on those that claim to have achieved 7 figures in 12 months and don’t disclose the years of work that lead to that result.
Everyone I know ( myself included ) did not build a sustainable and abundant Impact Empire overnight.
It took many many hours of dedication, implementation, learning and building.
It took years of dedicated growth.
And we continue to be devoted to our evolution and mastery because we have great reverence for our soul mission.
Because we know the world is evolving and old paradigms of business do not work for Impact Empires in the New Earth!
This is such a profound time is history!
This is the time where distorted 3D businesses fall,
and true Impact Empires RISE!
If this resonates with you, and you too have a great love & reverence for your Vision, your Mission and your divine evolution…
And if you are now called to continue your business evolution journey and you’re excited to receive very advance Multi Dimensional Business & Co-creation codes,
To code your business with 5D templates and play more consciously in the quantum , co-creating your business at a deeper level with your galactic soul family and divine soul mission destiny….
I invite you to join me and other amazing Impact & growth driven souls in the:
First Class ‘Galactic’ Business Mastermind
Please click the Link in Bio “First Class Mastermind” to find out more about this divine & powerful growth container & book a private chat with me to ensure it’s a fit for you and your vision, or visit
And if it is your soul destiny to receive these divine business codes, and be a leader of the New Earth, I am excited & honoured to be on your team 🙏
Much love,