Within us rests a codex of creation, so powerful, that it is creating a whole New Earth!

For so long we have been hypnotized to believe there is only one earth and one shared reality.

Yet in truth, every version of earth exists in the quantum, and every reality exists, probable and beyond probable realities and timelines are available if we allow ourselves to activate & embody the codes of creation within.

To the courageous souls who are choosing ascension right now, and have businesses that serve humanity…

I would love to invite you to join me in a powerful global channeled transmission that I shall deliver for free as a gift from my 12D Soul family and me. It’s called:

The Multi Dimensional Mission Business
⁃ Creating alternate realities of Abundance for ourselves and our businesses in 2022 ⁃

And during this free global online event you are invited to discover more of your Multidimensional Self & Receive 5D Business Ascension & Abundance Codes, plus:

-How to create alternate and abundant realities and timelines during these times on Earth.
-The Stages of Business Ascension from 3D to 5D.
-MultiDimensional Business Evolution & the shift into 5D Marketing, Selling & Leadership to create infinite abundance and profound service.
-How the old 3D ways of operating a business reside in lower timelines for ascending souls and therefor pull us into denser realities.
-How we can anchor ourselves and businesses into higher realms of existence and take our divine mission businesses with us into the New Earth.
-How to align & navigate multiple missions as new missions activate within us during ascension.
-How to shift with Gaia into the higher timelines she is creating & continue to awake in new realities leading to 5D earth.

I am excited to share these profound and powerful codes with the souls who are being called to do things differently and Co-Create a new world!

Please click here times and dates & to register your spot: https://gabykowalskiglobal.com/multi-dimensional-mission-business-webinar777

Choose 5D
Much love 💜