Dear Missioned Soul,

I am calling to the New Earth Leaders of Light to join me in a mission and a very powerful ascension journey!

Our Earth is expanding, evolving and Ascending, and so are we…

As Ascending, Missioned Souls, our businesses and offerings are a living consciousness that is connected to us, and ascends with us.

So having a business for Ascending, Missioned Souls is not the same as for those in 3D realities and timelines.

Our Businesses are a Living Consciousness, taking the form as a Mission Kingdom or Empire of Light, and they are evolving and changing rapidly, as are we!

The New Earth Mission Collective is a coaching/mentoring/guidance offering for those that have a deep devotion for their Evolution, Ascension and Soul Destiny Mission on Earth, and beyond.

In This Powerful Co-Created Container my 12D Soul Family & Councils of Light, You Shall Activate Your Soul & Soul/Star Family Codes into a Quantum Empire of Light infrastructure.

This shall take you on a journey of deeper multi-dimensional embodiment and profound soul memory retrieval, to call back more of your quantum gifts and abilities to serve your soul tribe at the highest, and create new realities.

Each Quantum Coded Empire of Light that is activated and anchored from the Souls receiving these advanced codes and templates, shall grid the planet with light, anchor each soul into alternate realities, creating and stabilising the New Earth Realities and timelines.

So this powerful ascension journey for you and your business is also a soul mission.

And if this resonates deeply with-in your heart and soul, you are invited to join this mission and shall receive many gifts.

This journey shall have you receive new codes, technology and 5D templates to have you and your business Ascend with more abundance, grace, precision & divine guidance.

Join us for:

  • New Earth Marketing & Quantum Funnels 

Creating a Higher Realm Quantum and physical infrastructure to call in your soul tribe around the globe, Embody Advanced 5D abundance and creation codes to serve outside the economic creations of the collective & anchor into alternate timelines of abundance and freedom.

  • The Art of New Earth Selling 

Embodying an abundance codex of divine receiving, activating a deep[er layer of mission and service heart, Coding your marketing & sales with invitations to the souls of your soul tribe to receive a flow of aligned beings to serve at the highest.

Shifting into the consciousness of Divine Knowing, to stabilise into your 5D realities of Mission Abundance & Co-Creation.

  • The Round Table & New Earth Leadership

Codes for an Abundant Empire of Service, with a full infrastructure to support a 7 figure Empire of Light to run smoothly and effortlessly, while providing extraordinary service and offerings to the world.

This is the codex of the Divine Emperor and the Divine Empress & allows us to fully shift into versions of self that lead from light and receive full support from our team, the councils of light and beyond.

This codex allows us to build a New Earth with all the resources and people showing up in divine timing and full alignment

  • Creating Alternate Realities & The New Earth

Multi dimensional embodiment and co-creation with your divine oversoul, Reality Creation, Soul Embodiment, Quantum Memory, Multi dimensionality, Channelling the Higher Realms, Co-Creating with Quantum Technology, Key Codes and Councils of Light, plus sooo much more…

Plus a living quantum library membership site with all the resources I have created and collected over the years to build and scale my Abundant Mission Empire of Light!

If you are feeling called to be one of the first New earth Leaders to build a true 5D Mission Empire of Light. please click here:

Much love,
Gaby 💜