⁃ The 5D Leadership Codex –

“Ascending into our highest timelines of Freedom, Abundance, & Soul Mission Legacy”

Friday 6th of May


The journey of business evolution can be simple, we begin with mastering our offerings, the marketing & sales and evolving our capacity to receive financial abundance.

Then we continue evolving and upload, embody and radiate the codes of divine service and soul led leadership, & these codes have us ascend into higher realms of existence and create true freedom, soul mission fulfillment & legacy.

Taking the journey into a new realm of existence like this, & becoming a true 5D leader of light, is an ascension journey that is truly breathtaking, and also has us go through many initiations.

As leaders of light, we are courageous enough to follow our soul guidance and do things others may not be willing to do.

Yet at times, we can find ourselves walking on uncharted paths with no map except our inner guidance, and this is because we did not come to earth to walk on paths created and tread upon by millions before us…

We came here to pave new paths that millions & billions will walk upon for many many generations to come 🙏

And now, because our world is so ripe and ready for the new paths to be layed out, and a new world to be created, & built…

I am so excited to run a powerful FREE channeled online event for all the souls who are deeply devoted to co-create a new and more loving world for all!

This Free global event invites you to receive an Activation/restoration & repair of your Souls Leadership codes from other lifetimes on Earth & beyond, to support your mission & ascension into your next higher realm timelines of Service & Abundance!

This quantum activation is from my 12D soul family, Archangel Michael, Inner Earth benevolent light beings, Sophia Dragons, Isis, Ra & Hathor.

And by coming to be a part of this, we are creating a grid around our beloved earth and anchoring codes of ‘Light Leadership’ into the grids of Gaia.

The higher purpose of this grid work and coding the world with Leadership Light Codes, is to activate more and more divine leaders of Light to begin, or continue their soul missions on earth in higher realms & higher timelines of existence!

So by taking part in this, you are receiving beautiful gifts & serving the divine activation of other light leaders & the ascension of humanity too & this is why I am so excited about this event!

If all this resonates, please click here for full details & to reserve your spot:

Choose Heart Consciousness
Choose 5D
much Love,
Gaby 💜