We travel in and out of countless realities every second…

⁣Now more than ever, it’s important for us to remember that there is an abundance of timelines to choose from!!⁣

And WE get to choose!!⁣

We can create timelines coded with love & unity, or timelines coded with fear & separation.⁣

Even if the human collective is still creating from fear, each individual soul who chooses ascension can choose to create alternate timelines of love and one day, the percentage of souls choosing to code realities with love will be greater, and together we shall create a new world 💛🙏⁣

This video is a snippet from a 2-day event I just delivered this week for my New Earth Mission Collective program, the event was all about creating, holding and guiding others in higher realm timelines 🙏✨⏳⁣

And I felt to share this part with the world for a few reasons:⁣

💫 To share how timelines are structured in the quantum. ⁣

💫 To share how our higher self system works.⁣

💫 To share how to lead others who are navigating their vast timelines. ⁣

💫 To share a little about how to facilitate a course consultation (aka sales call) in a new template of service & support our clients to be in aligned timelines when working with us. ⁣

Please let me know your thoughts after you watch it 🥰⁣

Choose 5D ⁣
Much love⁣
Gaby 💜