When we go beyond “wrong” & “right”, we find that everything has a place in the universe, and things either resonate with us or they don’t 😊
Meaning, everything has its own frequency, and its own song.
The thing is, not all music goes well together, lol 🎶🎵🪗🥁🙈🙃
Yet, some music goes soooo well together that when we hear it, it feels like heaven on earth.💛✨
For so many of us who are on a devoted evolution & ascension journey, there are many aspects of the 3D world that simply do not resonate anymore… & with each huge shift we take, we find ourselves letting go of more and more of the 3D world.
Some of us were born with specific coding that had us not be able to plug into certain 3D grids, and this had the 3D world see us as rebels & misfits.
Some of us, unplugged over the past few years, and nothing has been the same since!
As we continue our evolution adventures on earth, more and more light codes activate within us, and we find ourselves falling out of resonance with more and more of the 3D world.
I wish to take a little moment here to say, there is nothing “wrong” with the 3D world, it’s a powerful playground & many of us have had countless lifetimes in it & have received so much on a soul level & human level.
I’m not shaming the 3D world here & I have soooooo much appreciation for countless lifetimes in the co-creation of 3rd density realities ✨🙏🥰
Yet, now is a time where Gaia evolves & ascends into her 5D expression, and many of us came to ascend with her 🥳🥰✨
And so we are leaving 3D grids and stepping into 4D & 5D grids until we simply find ourselves fully within a 5D world 😊
The reason I share this is because, more & more souls have missions to share their gifts, their souls’ art, their products & services with this world &… Doing this, within the 3D business grid, does not resonate for many!
The business grids music simply does not harmonize with our soul’s music & together it kinda sounds like an off pitch cat singing with an off pitch seagull, 🙈🙃😂 no one really wants to see that show 😋😉
So, in case you didn’t see my previous social media post & email blast, I am hosting an awesome FREE global online event 😊
It’s called…
Leading A Mission Empire of Light on Earth!
In this channeled event, you are invited to continue your soul’s mission and making your soul’s art in a different grid.
This new grid is the divine evolution of business out of 3D structure & into 5D structure 😊
Everything gets to evolve & ascend & so does business 🙏✨
Join us and…
💫 DISCOVER the difference between the 3D business grid & the 5D mission grid, and how to shift your products & services into the 5D grid, so you can gracefully continue your ascension & soul mission in full alignment.
💫 INITIATION: The Activation of the 5D Mission Grid and a shift into your next timelines of service, freedom, sovereignty & abundance.
💫 ACTIVATE more of your Soul Blueprint & receive full system upgrades to embody more of your soul’s unique frequency & mission.
💫 DISCOVER the path of creating a true legacy & freedom empire of light instead of just a business & how this re-structures the quantum architecture of earth, creating new realities & unlocks timelines of true abundance.
💫 AND so much more!!
I am excited for what happens in our world after this global initiation & evolution into the 5D Mission Grid 🙏
Please click here for full details & to register your spot: https://gabykowalskiglobal.com/beyond-business-webinar111
Choose 5D
Much love
Gaby 💜