When we go beyond “wrong” & “right”, we find that everything has a place in the universe, and things either resonate with us or they don’t 😊⁣

Meaning, everything has its own frequency, and its own song.⁣

The thing is, not all music goes well together, lol 🎶🎵🪗🥁🙈🙃⁣

Yet, some music goes soooo well together that when we hear it, it feels like heaven on earth.💛✨⁣

For so many of us who are on a devoted evolution & ascension journey, there are many aspects of the 3D world that simply do not resonate anymore… & with each huge shift we take, we find ourselves letting go of more and more of the 3D world.⁣

Some of us were born with specific coding that had us not be able to plug into certain 3D grids, and this had the 3D world see us as rebels & misfits.⁣

Some of us, unplugged over the past few years, and nothing has been the same since!⁣

As we continue our evolution adventures on earth, more and more light codes activate within us, and we find ourselves falling out of resonance with more and more of the 3D world.⁣

I wish to take a little moment here to say, there is nothing “wrong” with the 3D world, it’s a powerful playground & many of us have had countless lifetimes in it & have received so much on a soul level & human level.⁣

I’m not shaming the 3D world here & I have soooooo much appreciation for countless lifetimes in the co-creation of 3rd density realities ✨🙏🥰⁣

Yet, now is a time where Gaia evolves & ascends into her 5D expression, and many of us came to ascend with her 🥳🥰✨⁣

And so we are leaving 3D grids and stepping into 4D & 5D grids until we simply find ourselves fully within a 5D world 😊⁣

The reason I share this is because, more & more souls have missions to share their gifts, their souls’ art, their products & services with this world &… Doing this, within the 3D business grid, does not resonate for many!⁣

The business grids music simply does not harmonize with our soul’s music & together it kinda sounds like an off pitch cat singing with an off pitch seagull, 🙈🙃😂 no one really wants to see that show 😋😉⁣

So, in case you didn’t see my previous social media post & email blast, I am hosting an awesome FREE global online event 😊⁣

It’s called…⁣


Leading A Mission Empire of Light on Earth!⁣

In this channeled event, you are invited to continue your soul’s mission and making your soul’s art in a different grid.⁣

This new grid is the divine evolution of business out of 3D structure & into 5D structure 😊⁣

Everything gets to evolve & ascend & so does business 🙏✨⁣

Join us and…⁣

💫 DISCOVER the difference between the 3D business grid & the 5D mission grid, and how to shift your products & services into the 5D grid, so you can gracefully continue your ascension & soul mission in full alignment.⁣

💫 INITIATION: The Activation of the 5D Mission Grid and a shift into your next timelines of service, freedom, sovereignty & abundance.⁣

💫 ACTIVATE more of your Soul Blueprint & receive full system upgrades to embody more of your soul’s unique frequency & mission. ⁣

💫 DISCOVER the path of creating a true legacy & freedom empire of light instead of just a business & how this re-structures the quantum architecture of earth, creating new realities & unlocks timelines of true abundance.⁣

💫 AND so much more!!⁣

I am excited for what happens in our world after this global initiation & evolution into the 5D Mission Grid 🙏⁣

Please click here for full details & to register your spot: https://gabykowalskiglobal.com/beyond-business-webinar111

Choose 5D⁣
Much love⁣
Gaby 💜