Dear Missioned Soul,

The business grid is a 3D construct, and our 5D missions do not fit into the 3D business architecture.

It’s literally like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole 🙃💫

The architecture that can fully hold our ever expanding ascension & our soul mission, is our own Soul Coded Mission & Ascension Grid 🫶

Meaning we build our own soul coded architecture (grid) and live, create & co-create within that ☺️

This means we no longer go into pre-created grids, and reside in them.

Instead, we bring those grids, or aspects of them, into ‘our’ soul coded grid, and the other grids shift & align to our soul frequency, not the other way around ☺️

This is how we continue our ascension and soul missions in abundance, alignment and sovereignty.

For so long we have lived in grids that were pre-created…

✨ Some by our ancestors,
✨ Some by our parents & families,
✨ Some by current society,

And that meant that we (our soul essence) had to alter itself to fit into a pre created construct.

We can not be our full soul embodied self if we continue to fit into others creations (pre created grids).

The more our soul frequency flows through every atom of our being, the more ready we are to let go of old pre created realities, and create our own.

If you would love to create your own grid work & thus your own worlds, plus take your mission & ascension into even more supportive and abundant timelines… I invite you to join a family of light who are co-creating the New Earth.

I invite you to join the round table of:
“The New Earth Mission Collective”

Please click here and find out more & book in a Zoom chat 🫶:

Choose 5D
Much love
Gaby 💛

We have a couple spots left around the round table & If it is you that are to join us, I have so much joy in my heart to connect and welcome you to our beautiful family of light 🫶💫