Weeeee!!! It’s time to announce the beautiful recipients of the Quantum Magic School Scholarship!!!
The other day, I delivered an awesome online event called
“Being MultiDimensional”
And we celebrated the 3 souls who won the scholarship!!
Welcome to Quantum Magic School: Ciara, Noni & Rebecca!! 🎊💫🫶 Woohoo!! 🎊🫶💫
Plus, ALL 120 souls who applied for the scholarship received a little Scholarship too☺️!!
Yep, everyone who applied receives a gift 🎄💫💛
So if are one of the 120 souls, you now have full access to the “Soul Aligned Money Co-Creation” digital course, your logins are in your email 🎄💫🎊🫶
If you missed the event, please click here to find out all the details & access the replay as my Christmas gift 🎄🫶 https://gabykowalskiglobal.com/being-multidimensional-replay
Choose 5D
Much love