With great excitement, I would love to share the “Soul Mission Legacy event” replay with everyone who may have missed our memos about the event…
A couple of days ago 512 souls registered for a special online event… An event where they got to reconnect with their Mission Family…
Our Mission family are all the advanced Missioned souls across the universe that have had soul missions within various incarnations & this is truly a large family of light.
Once they reconnected with their mission family, my mission family & I supported them all to build a new grid architecture, called a Soul Mission Grid.
This new 5D grid non only expanded the crystalline grids of this planet, serving in Gaia’s ascension…, but It also gave the souls who have received this event a sovereign grid to grow their full Soul Mission Empire in.
We can either build our legacy in pre-existing 3D grids, like the business grids, or we can create our own grids and co-create a New World!! So if you know you are here to create a new world, here is the replay as my gift:
Much love,
Gaby 🫶🏽
P.S. If you have received this beautiful transmission and inanition, please comment and let me know how it was for you!