If you are building your Mission Empire, please know this…

It took Netflix 3.5 years to Aquire 1 million users, and Twitter took 2 years, Facebook took 10 months & Instagram took 2.5 months, now ChatGPT took 5 days & Threads took 2 hours!!

This is not because ‘Threads’ is better & more desired than Netflix, it’s because Netflix had to stabilize the digital grid! Meaning that Netflix had to make the online world “the new normal”.

The one who goes first takes a bit more time creating and stabilizing the new realities until others feel safe & follow.
So if you are sharing your unique soul’s message, & cutting edge evolution & ascension codes online,  please remember that you are creating new grids of consciousness, & it can take a bit of time for them to stabilize & become “the new normal”.

When I first talked about dimensions, light beings & the quantum in 2018/2019 these topics were still very new & most people didn’t know what the difference between 3D & 5D was & what codes were & and what grids were…

It took time to anchor multi-dimensionality into the grids of consciousness, & now look at how many content creators talk about dimensions, and light beings, and light codes 🥰 🫶

So if you are still growing your platform & anchoring your message, please keep going….Keep holding the Vision of the beautiful New World you are creating…

Time shall pass, the new grids you are creating shall integrate & stabilize, & your powerful message shall reach many more souls, and re-create our world 💛💛💛

Much love, light & abundance