Your Soul Gifts, Tools & Technologies are unique to you. They have taken you eons to birth, create, receive, and master 🫶.

The path of ‘Soul Memory Ascension’ gives us access to divine gifts we have had in countless lifetimes, gifts that allow us to weave new realities and alter the current ones we are in!

A few days ago, I delivered a free global online event where the souls traveled to Avalon, Ancient Egypt, Atlantis & Lemuria, connecting with other versions of themselves and receiving gifts from those lifetimes.

The high order of wizards took them to Avalon, where Magic was a normal part of life.

Isis, Hathor, Anubis, Horus & Osiris took them to the Golden Ages of Egypt where advanced skills & tools were being used every day.

The Ascended Atlantean Council, along with Apollo, Artemis, Hera & Zeus, took them to the Higher Realms of Atlantis during its golden age where advanced crystal technologies co-created life with the civilization.

The Lemurian Council of Light gave them a divine Heart Ascension liquid crystal light technology & took them to the golden ages of Lemuria where the civilization lived with a fully activated heart consciousness and lived in harmony with all life on land and in the waters.

The souls who took this journey brought back countless powerful gifts, tools & technologies from their lifetimes in these civilizations and are now playing with these gifts and incorporating them into their lives and service to others. ✨🥳🪄

I delivered this event because every time someone remembers their soul gifts, they embody another part of their soul onto Gaia, awakening more of her advanced grids and the libraries of light within them. In short, it helps our planet ascend ✨💛.

I also delivered this event for free because I wished to give you a taste of what it’s like to work with the ‘Quantum Magic School’ codex.

Quantum Magic School is a certification program that has you call back your soul’s quantum toolkit & learn/remember how to navigate the quantum field with great precision and re-code the consciousness of yourself, your clients, and reality as we know it ✨.

If you would love to call back more of your Soul’s Unique gifts, here is access to the event replay for you as my gift:

Much love, light, and abundance,
Gabriela 💛

P.S. If you were one of the souls who joined me for this event!! You rock!! It was such a pleasure to co-create this event with you 🫶💛. Please share how it was for you 🫶