Expressing unity consciousness, knowing we are all interconnected, the goal of this, is the journey itself.
How many times have we come across a phrase like this?
Within sacred texts and ancient teachings, there is always mention that the goal is to bring our awareness to the recognition that experience itself and it’s quality of mastered perception is what matters most.
At the beginning of our spiritual awakening and empowerment, we are all practicing gaining a connection to self and mastering our own energy and consciousness. Ultimately, this journey takes us to recognition of the truth that is always true – we are all one, we are all interconnected.
Oneness and unity consciousness, as we merge with it gradually, transcends all limitations and barriers that we have built around our hearts in order to separate ourselves from creation and others.
Eventually, after separation is explored through and through, we are gently guided to open the portals of our hearts and to step more into our true potential and express our purpose.
When this stage of awareness is initiated, we begin to step into our leadership as it is in our divine nature to share energies, frequencies, and accumulated wisdom with others.
We are all extensions of one. Our children and their children continue to share codes that we planted in their subconscious minds.
When we depart from the realm of form and transition into spirit, we continue to sing our song through the voices of our kids, the voices of birds, the gentle whisper of the wind… we never leave.
We are eternal and ever-present.
Knowing that experience never ceases to exist, it shapeshifts and transforms according to the patterns of templates within our subconscious mind.
When our consciousness is no longer under a spell of separation, we are naturally drawn to live differently as we are no longer concerned with the temporary matters of a temporary world.
As we transition into wholeness, our beliefs and goals change. We are naturally drawn to share, lead, and pass on visions downloaded from the higher realms.
This planet has called us as souls to be vessels of pure intelligent light that our heavenly home is sharing.
This lifetime is a special one. You have already received and explored initiations into mastery, and now in this incarnation, it is time to express it and share your divinity, & the signature wisdom of your soul with all.
Your light is needed, your gifts, and your embodied power are special elements, which Gaia and the ascending universe are supporting you to express abundantly.
If you feel a deep calling to co-create with Gaia and Source directly and bring in our next Advanced Civilisation and the New Earth….
We would love to invite you to join us in something really special….
⚜️”Eternal Code – Greece Retreat”
Eternal Code is a profound ascension journey for leaders that are here to bring in the new golden age on Gaia.
Each soul joining us in Eternal Code shall receive divine channel upgrades to download their Souls Unique Higher Libraries of light and share them with the planet, to anchor and stabilize the new Higher Realm Grids of Gaia.
One of the beautiful parts of this journey is joining us in Greece on a sacred island to receive incredible initiations and activations and embodiment of your Celestial & God/Goddess Avatars.
After our 15-night retreat in Greece, you shall be inside a six-month integration and embodiment container for you to stabilize your light libraries and higher mission on this planet.
This is a semi-private container, so we shall work with you and your mission individually and as a small group, to serve you with great precision as your Higher Missions are very important.
Please click here for all the information about ‘Eternal Code’:
Much love, light, and abundance.
Polina, Gabriela & the Eternal Code Team of Light