• NO. 1:

For a long time on our planet, “money” has been placed on a pedestal, and many souls have uploaded hierarchy software into their mental field, leading them to elevate money—and those who make a lot of it—above all else.

Over the years, I have supported many gifted, missioned souls in building their Soul Mission Empires, and one of the most common distortions I have coached them on, is feeling like failures because they weren’t making big numbers yet.

Money, placed on a pedestal, becomes the No. 1 measure of success. The truth is, this is complete rubbish!!

There are many measures of success, and yes, money is one of them. Yet in no way does making lots of cash guarantee the long-term success of your mission empire.

I have watched many colleagues make millions, only to fall from their pedestals into bankruptcy, lawsuits, leaving a trail of unhappy clients behind them.

Making lots of money online simply means we have mastered “Marketing & Sales.”

And it truly does take time to master these things!

So when gifted souls feel “less than” for not making 20-50-100k months yet, that’s like feeling “less than” when a tree you plant doesn’t bear fruit right away.

It takes time to grow a following online, and to tweak and master our messaging.

It takes time to create all the systems and SOPs for running a multi-6 & 7-figure empire smoothly.

Money abundance is inevitable for those who stay the course, continually mastering their gifts & offerings to ensure they deliver what they promise, and refining their messaging to attract their soul tribe!

Therefore, I measure mission success not by the money a soul makes. Truly, anyone who knows how to market and sell can make money 🫶.

I measure success by:
👑 Your DEVOTION to your mission

If someone offered you $1 million per year to leave your mission and work for them, but you are not permitted to continue working in your soul mission while you work for them, and for 5 years after—would you do it?

If your answer is NO, you hold the highest measure of success there is,because you will never give up, and that means your big vision shall come to be.

  • NO. 2:

If I were to post about money, I would share that last month Oneness Foundation generated over $200k in member contributions.

And you might say, “What do you mean by ‘new member contributions’? Why don’t you just call it sales?”

You see, the other reason I don’t talk about how much money I make, is because I actually don’t make any.

I do not have a business. I haven’t had one for a few years now.

I have a mission—a beautiful, divine mission Empire of Light.

I left the business grid and stepped into my own sovereign mission grid a few years ago.

I took all the beautiful parts within the business grid, like creating powerful content and incredible offerings.

I gratefully took systems, SOPs, and intelligent architecture that allows everything to flow with grace.

Yet, I do not have a business.

The Oneness Foundation serves the evolution and ascension of our planet, galaxy, and universe.

Our mission is to reactivate, expand upon, and stabilize the golden and celestial grids of this planet fully, and co-create a New World.

A world where living an abundant and loving life for all is the status quo!

My mission has me traveling the world, working in the quantum to reopen libraries of light from ancient and often fully forgotten civilizations, and repairing and expanding upon golden and celestial architecture.

My mission also has me sharing channeled teachings, initiations, and activations with souls on accelerated ascension paths, through content online and the Ascension Schools I have created.

The souls that pay to join my schools are not paying me; they contribute to my mission that I named “Oneness.”

Every cent goes to Oneness, and Oneness simply pays my expenses and takes great care of me. Yet I am a full volunteer to Oneness, so technically, I don’t make any money personally.

I am the custodian of Oneness’ money and make sure the financial department is healthy so we can do the beautiful projects that co-create a new world and allow me to live a wonderful life in service to Gaia.

I felt to share these codes with the online world to offer another template for mission success, and to deconstruct some of the money hierarchy out there.

Please know I am not saying that talking about money online is “bad.” I am simply saying that we shift into a higher relationship with money when we fully decode any hierarchy programming within us in relation to it 💛.

The other week I delivered the Codex of Abundance 4-day event, and in one of the days, we went deep on de/coding the hierarchy of cash. I was feeling to share this section of the event as a gift with the world.

If you would love to receive this part of the COA event as my gift, please comment with: “Bye Bye hierarchy 👋👋”

And if enough peeps express their interest i’ll share the replay on all my platforms this week 💛

Much love & abundance,
Gaby x