Imagine if all online content creators knew that each piece of content they shared was coding the consciousness of the world, and that they had the power to fully recreate reality through what they post!

When we tune into how many people are consciously connected online and acknowledge that our digital reality is very real and linked to and co-creating with our physical reality, we can begin to see the power of our own content! ✍️🗣️💫

Our content can help others rewrite their realities and see what’s possible!

We can enable others to anchor ⚓️ higher consciousness codes into their physical grids by receiving our transmissions online! ✨💎

We can code higher frequencies into the digital grids, and when we share our soul’s teachings and codes online, we are actually doing powerful grid work. 💛

Truly, our “Highest Soul Purpose” of creating content is not “to Acquire More Clients”; our soul’s highest excitement is the grid work we do when we share our codes online!

Even if your posts don’t receive a lot of engagement, know that you are still coding and re-coding the world with every word and image you share. The ripple effect of your conscious content may be invisible, but it is undeniable.

So if you are sharing your highest truths and your soul’s codes online—THANK YOU!

You are contributing to the elevation of our collective consciousness.

If you are consuming content, remember to mindful of its frequency. If it expands your heart, opens you to love, abundance, and possibility—receive it fully, engage with it, and allow it to become part of your world.

And if any content contracts you, creating fear, judgement, separation, or scarcity, release it and move on.

You are in control of the codes you allow into your consciousness.

The digital realm is filled with both high and low frequencies—we get to choose wisely!

As more of us become aware of how our thoughts, content, and perceptions shape our realities, we will naturally become more selective with the content we engage with.

When we collectively disengage from drama and lower vibrations, we will co-create a reality that is more magical and aligned with the highest potentials of love and unity.
