If you’ve been feeling exhausted recently, remember that when we make huge quantum leaps into new versions of ourselves, it can take a lot of our life force energy.

This is why creating space for rest, sleep, nourishment, and rescheduling when possible aligns us with our highest “ascension upgrade” timeline. 

So, if this resonates, allow yourself even more space to recharge your life force energy. 🫶

Many of us have also been feeling emotionally or mentally heavy, as there’s been a lot of purging and transforming within. 

Please know this wave of upgrades is nearly complete, and one way to move through these final processes with even more ease is to truly “allow” them and receive the upgrades as the gifts they are 🫶.

Even though it may feel like these upgrades are slowing down our projects or taking over our lives, the truth is they are opening up Gaia’s new grids to us. And within these new grids, so much more is possible!

Gaia is calling us back to her at this time. Going into nature and allowing Gaia to support our transformation and integration is incredibly nurturing right now.

For those of you feeling like you’re being pushed to your limits, I invite you to lie down, close your eyes, take deep, slow breaths into your heart, and completely relax your muscles.

As you relax, imagine your atoms opening like flowers in bloom. “Allow” the light of your soul to enter, while anything that’s not in harmony with your soul’s frequency flows back to source light.

We’ve got this! We’ve trained for countless lifetimes for this powerful moment on Gaia 💛.

Sending you so much love,
Gaby x