This video is from the beautiful island of Tahiti, a central point of portals into Gaia’s true organic light. These portals exist all over our planet—sacred sites and high-energy points that allow us to feel Gaia’s true frequency.
These portals are expanding, Gaia’s true energy is growing, and she is calling us to come in, anchor, and create our lives within her light.
During our travels here, I connected more deeply with Gaia’s original form than ever before. She truly is a divine, playful, abundant, and loving soul. For anyone who hasn’t realized it yet—yes, our planet has a soul, just like we do. And it’s absolutely magnificent.
Each of us has the power within to let go of old-world structures that distort how we perceive our planet, anchor deeply into Gaia’s organic form, and live upon our highest timelines.
The other day, I delivered an event from the island of Moorea, sharing initiations into Gaia’s free form and an activation of it. If you missed the event, click here to access the replay: https://gk.gabykowalski.org/gaia-highest-timelines-replay-registration —it’s my gift to you.
Much love, light & abundance,
P.S We are also currently offering a scholarship to Quantum Magic School, click here for details & how to apply: https://forms.gle/NcqK53xE83sKgSR47