If we don’t know how to set our channel and code our field, then as we evolve and access more of the quantum, we can unintentionally connect with lower light frequencies.

It’s kind of like leaving all the doors and windows open in your house and wondering why birds flew in and pooped on everything. 💩🦜

But when we know how to code our field, we can ensure that only beings, messages, and technologies of the Higher Realms enter our “home”—our field.

I’d love to show you how to close the door, install a video monitor, and add a bell to your field so you can navigate the vast and infinite quantum with greater precision, bringing even more beauty from the higher realms into our beloved planet. 🫶

First, I invite you to remove duality from your perspective—no longer seeing things as good or bad, evil or pure. Instead, see them simply as frequencies.

A frequency with less light is smaller, while one with more light is larger.

There are incredible higher-realm technologies that can code your field to co-create only with larger light form structures.

In one of my Quantum Magic School classes, I shared powerful technologies and initiations from the Golden Realms for clearing, coding, and setting the field to co-create solely with Higher Light. I would love to gift this training to anyone who feels called:


  1. To channel more advanced messages, codes, and technologies to support Gaia’s ascension.


  2. To set your field to attract only higher consciousness in both the quantum and physical realms.


  3. To scan your field and, if needed, realign it with your sovereign soul light before any energy work or channeling.


If you’d love this gift, please comment with:
“Golden Tech” ☀️

And I’ll send you the link to the full training! 💛


Much love,