My 12D family and I have a beautiful Christmas gift for you 💜🎄💜

We can choose ascension & mission paths of joy, abundance, love, oneness, and the creation of new realities beyond what has been before 🥰✨🙏🥳

I’m honored to co-create my mission with my 12D family of light, many many civilisations took a path of mastery and ascension and as they ascended into different dimensions of existence…

They reached a universal consciousness level and let go of their star origin identities and became the 12D family of light.

This family is HUGE, there are sooooooo many beautiful races, most who have not been written about or connected much with earthlings before.

And one of the many beautiful teachings they bring is… We can create alternate realities and timelines beyond probability and possibility 

We can choose to create within pre-created grids, or, we can create new ones of our choosing!

As this year comes to completion, I would love to invite all the amazing souls devoted to their ascension to come and create whole new realities and timelines for us and humanity 🥳🎈

And so I am running a FREE GLOBAL CHANNELED TRANSMISSION to share codes of creating alternate timelines, alternate realities.

 I’ll be going deep on how we keep ourselves and our beautiful mission businesses out of the collective realities & create our own 🙏👑💜

With the powerful portals supporting deep shifts this month, these codes can be received and embodied more than ever before.

Please click here for full details, times & to register your free spot:

Choose 5D

Much love 
