Here is something that is not often spoken of…

Forgiveness is a very Advanced Higher Realm Quantum Technology, & Codex of Pure Divine Light.
Forgiveness fully re-creates reality, & allows all realities & timelines to ascend.

It appears to be simple, & yet it is PROFOUND…

Often people forgive at a surface level & yet continue to be triggered for years or lifetimes by the person or others who remind them of the person who did the perceived harm. This has then kept recreating similar realities, sometimes over lifetimes.

This is because, when we forgive fully at a soul level, we expand our capacity to hold more pure crystalline light within all our cells & light bodies, our frequency raises beyond measure, & we shift our entire soul network to higher realms.

The mind finds it challenging to fully forgive and so can keep us looping, & this is why forgiveness is done with the heart. The more we open & expand our heart consciousness, the more we can fully forgive and shift to higher timelines of light πŸ’› The more we activate all aspects of our heart technology, the easier it becomes to remember that we co-create it all!!

And then we simply look within for what had us susceptible to be a part of realities that we perceive as unjust. It is part of our ascension to self-reflect & go into the quantum to find the codes or templates within us that co-create realities that we do not enjoy. For example, programming like rescuing, people pleasing or fawning can co-create many realities that appear very unjust 🫢

Once we find and shift the susceptibility that co-creates our perceived injustice, we no longer create such realities.

And it is easier to forgive others when we find what programming within us, shared in creating the experience that had us experience being hurt, betrayed or projected upon, or…!
And when this work is done completely, the people that we perceive were unjust either stop running those behaviors, or they shift out of our realities & we no longer co-create any realities with them.
As long as we continue to experience what we perceive as injustice, we have more inner work to do…

And the inner work includes 2 projects:

1. Finding & transforming our susceptibility that co-created the unjust reality ( our subconscious programming )
2. Forgiving at a soul level all aspects of such perceived injustice in this lifetime, & all others 🫢

This is very deep work & it has everything change forever, shifting us to new worlds, realities & higher timelines.
This is why forgiveness is a master-level codex, even though it is often seen as a basic level spiritual teaching, it is more powerful than we can perceive.

Imagine if most of humanity could forgive everything that ever happened, & clear the programs within them that co-created those realities – therefore let go of ALL old and painful timelines ……

This would allow them to re-focus their life force energy on creating a New world …
A world beyond any of the old pain & suffering.

Imagine the wonderful world we could create together from a clean slate.

If there is something or someone to forgive, perhaps it is you that needs your forgiveness, please forgive with all your heart, and be free 🫢

Much love,

P.S This message is not saying that we forgive someone & continue being hurt by them over & over again, this message is saying to forgive & shift within ourselves the programming that had us be in that reality in the first place πŸ’›