✨You are invited to a FREE online event✨

⁃ The 5D Leadership Codex –

β€œAscending into our highest timelines of Freedom, Abundance, & Soul Mission Legacy”

Friday 6th of May

In this online channeled event you are invited to receive:

πŸ’« ACTIVATION: Activating/restoring & repairing your Souls Leadership codes from other lifetimes on Earth & beyond to support your ascension into your next higher realm timelines of Mission, & Abundance! This quantum activation is from my 12D soul family, Archangels, Inner Earth benevolent light beings, Sophia Dragons, Isis, Ra & Hathor.

πŸ’« DISCOVER the 5D Leadership Codex & different templates of leadership, so you can choose with greater discernment what type of leadership templates are in full resonance with your soul & have greater alignment as you continue to build & scale your mission empire on Earth.

πŸ’« CONNECT deeper with your Soul Mission and meet it in the quantum as a living consciousness, to expand your channel and allow greater precision with downloads and directives that are in full harmony with your highest versions of self and the purity of the codex you are here to anchor into the grids of Gaia.

πŸ’« DISCOVER the path of creating a true legacy & freedom empire of light instead of just a business & how this re-structures the quantum architecture of earth, creating new realities!

πŸ’« AND so much more!

If all this resonates, please click here for full details & to reserve your spot: https://gabykowalskiglobal.com/5d-leadership-codex

Choose Heart Consciousness
Choose 5D
Gaby πŸ’œ

Register anyway, as you will receive free access to the recording.
Yet do your best to be on live as that is where you can ask questions and I would love to have your live energy there to co-create this offering to our world!!!