Beloved Souls, the new timeliness is now approaching you. What once was a dream, a thought, a vision, or a fantasy – now we experience reality.
These are the most important times you will ever spend on planet Earth. The decisions you make now, or the energies you radiate out from you, to create the field within which you live, will determine your reality and how quickly you will move deeper and more fully into the energies of the New Age.
It is time to decide, whether you will move forward on the spiral of ascension through the gift of your life being fully experienced, or not.
You are reversing the process that you initiated thousands and thousands of years ago, as you descended into the realm of physicality, and began the process of building a physical body.
You are in the process of finding your way back to the field of unconditional love.
It is time for you to release all those concepts that do not support your highest, most empowering vision for the future. Remember, each and every day you are becoming more powerful co-creators.
It is now time for a spiritual reunion of all levels of your consciousness and your divinity to be downloaded into your body.
As the universe is ascending and expanding, so are we, and all beings who are a part of this co-creation.
Our personal Ascension Light Teams (Guardian Angels, Councils of Light, Soul families…) are continuously directing us towards the pathways of unifying with our own spirit self and becoming sovereign embodied masters of light.
Also, ascended consciousness from high vibrational realms is assisting humanity on a global collective level to gracefully move through the densities of individual and collective matrices.
As we courageously integrate all the abundant light infusions into our field and step into our full magnificence, our dormant abilities and gifts come online, and we feel guided towards sharing them with others and expressing them. We have incarnated on this planet for these reasons.
So, it’s time for all of us to uplevel our spiritual/emotional/energetic game and to fully ignite our hearts with the radiant light of our souls.
Higher realms of consciousness is being channeled by all of us, yet in different formations. We are all creating Art, some through food, others through music, and others channeling libraries of light to share with humanity and support the ascension of consciousness.
Now new energies and libraries from the Higher Realms are becoming more and more available for all of us to tap into, offering pathways to create a new and more loving planet.
Celestial and golden realms are the vibrational fields that birth wisdom that overlooks all time and space continuum. The wisdom of light is intelligent and is always communicated to higher realm channels, who courageously choose sovereignty, leadership over slavery, and love over fear.
Gabriela and I, on a soul level, have been missioned to open up and introduce new ascension grids of love to humanity, and those souls who have the “new earth leadership blueprint”. Souls who came into this physicality not to repair old grids, not to bridge the old and the new, but to birth and channel higher realm wisdom to support our civilization to rise to its full potential.
We are now inviting the Visionaries of the New Earth, the ones here to birth and stabilize the New Grids of Gaia, to join us on a unique island in Greece, where portals into the Celestial & Golden realms await with Initiations for your next level of Mastery.
Inviting you to fully emerge from your sacred heart and light up the New Ascension Grids for this planet and all sentient beings.
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Much love, light, and abundance,
Polina, Gabriela & the Eternal Code Team of Light