As we continue to evolve, call back more soul memory & ascend into our higher consciousness…

We leave the 3D grids and enter 4D & 5D grids!

The 3D grid of creation has ACTION as the key!

The 5D grid of creation has ALIGNMENT as the key!

As we take this ascension journey, the fuel that builds and scales our Missions (businesses) is therefore no longer ACTION!

The new fuel is, ALIGNMENT!

Specifically, it’s frequency resonance alignment!

Are we in resonance with our team, products, services, and the way we operate? And as we continue to evolve, that which used to resonate, often does not resonate anymore, as we are a different version of ourself.

And so our task as the leaders of our mission kingdoms and empires is to align, upgrade, change &/or remove the pieces in our mission business that do not resonate anymore. At this level of our evolution our frequency is massively amplified by our action & creates new timelines fast.

And so we check in… “Am I in the frequency of “:

-Divine knowing
-Pure resonance
-Inspired passion

If yes, then taking action will create and birth realities & timelines beyond our imagining ✨🎈

Yet if we are in any:


It is better to not take action at all.

Faking it till we make it does not work for an ascending soul as it is a 3rd density strategy and like most 3D strategies, it no longer works if we have shifted to 4D & 5D consciousness.

We are asked to always remember that, our ACTION amplifies the frequency we are in & creates alternate timelines that match that frequency!

So if an evolving soul is wanting to call in clients, and they have any fear or scarcity in their field… creating lots of content marketing will not have the desired result of calling in soulmate clients. That content will be coded with fear & scarcity!

So the action will instead take them into realities where all versions of their ideal clients are in some form of fear & or scarcity too, and they won’t take action. Or, take them to realities where their ideal clients don’t exist. Yep, no ideal clients in that reality.

Or??? Insert another version of reality that matches the frequency of fear and scarcity.

On the other hand, if we take the time to fully align our frequency with the realities that have an abundance of our soul tribe clients & we take inspired action… that aligned action births whole new worlds of abundance.

We all know we create our reality, and live in a universe where the frequency of our realities is always a match to us. Yet applying this wisdom means we only take action in alignment with the frequency of our chosen realities.

And if our frequency is not in ALIGNMENT…

We do the work, we heal, we delete outdated programs, templates & codes and upload new ones that have us stabilize into frequencies that create realities we love!

When we are in full soul alignment, and embodying the pure codes of divine knowing & abundance, our devotion to our missions expands & we feel deeply called to action, not because we ‘should’ or we ‘have to’. Because we can’t stop ourselves, as our inspiration flows so deep and fast that the action is instant!

This form of action births new realities and timeliness that are beyond incredible, and has us live outside the collective realities and in our own.

Yes, there are subconscious programs & templates to release & new templates & codes to embody to BE a leader who creates this way!

And, this is how we are to create a New Earth!

To create NEW realities and timelines of our choosing and invite others into them & out of the collective 3D grid.

I believe that when more New Earth Leaders master this, they shall fulfill their missions with more ease and grace. And we shall all live in new realities of true freedom & a reverence for each soul on earth!!

Mastering this creation codex is one of the many gifts of joining The New Earth Mission Collective ✨🙏💫

And if you know with precision that creating and living in your highest & most abundant timelines excites you!

And you can clearly feel the importance of creating alternate realities for the fulfillment of your divine soul mission & a joyful life of your choosing…

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Much love
Gaby 💜


P.S In this photo I just repelled down a 120 foot (36m) waterfall
– #waterfallalignment 🥰🎈💫 #goingwiththeflow 😉🥰