Years ago, before I truly understood that there have been many advanced civilizations on our planet, I felt a deep connection to any book or movie about King Arthur & Camelot.

I would dream of Avalon, even before I knew its name…

Somehow, as a teenager, I remembered that Magic was real! & no one could convince me otherwise! 😌🪄

I knew in my heart that we could co-create with elementals and nature, and alter the fabrics of reality!

In my mid-20s, I would walk to a park with my dog, where there was an old, wise eucalyptus tree with a large tree hollow in its center and many large branches that grew misshapen from it.

It was like an old, hunched-over crone, who would lovingly answer all my questions and become my dear friend 💛

She reminded me how to do Tree Magic 🌲🪄

The first lesson she taught me was how to connect to the tree network and do global grid work with the trees.

You see, our trees are connected through a psychic network, so we can literally upload codes into one tree, and that tree can share them with its network, which then shares them with its network, and the trees around our planet can serve as allies in our grid work by anchoring the codes all over the planet 🌲🌴🌳🌏🌍🌎

At first, I remembered how to do frequency grid work, which is essentially raising the frequency of the whole planet – no biggie 🙃🥰

I would stand in the park and connect with all the trees and ask which ones wished to co-create…

Every time I did this, several trees would light up, and not only could I see a glow around them, but I could also feel them fully ready to serve with me!

Then I would create orbs of love and share them with the trees who volunteered, and they would send them into the ground through their root system and via their psychic connection to tree elders all over the world, and together, we would code the world with love and raise the frequency.

I did this frequency work for years and never told anyone because I thought they would think I was crazy 🙃😜😜 ( obviously I got over that insecurity 😉🫶)

The next Tree Magic I remembered was how to upload codes into the tree network and co-create with it like a ‘cloud storage system.’

This became super helpful when I was receiving many codes and evolving and ascending faster than my body and mind could keep up with…

I would place my hands and forehead upon a tree that volunteered, and I would upload my codes into the tree network. This cleared up so much space in my field.

Now, before you ask, no, this did not cause me to lose the data. It worked exactly like saving something to the cloud on your laptop.

It would store the data on the earth, and as I am a part of the earth and walk upon her daily, I have instant access to my stored codes without needing to hold them in my field.

The other awesome part is that as I evolve and my light quotient grows, the data I store with the trees can be embodied, and it becomes a part of me. Yet, during the embodiment process, it is amazing not to have my field overloaded.

Also, I don’t know what would happen if I got on a spaceship and left Earth; it’s possible I would not have access to the stored data before I embody it. But for now, I am happy because I can upload infinite data into Gaia when I feel I have too much to integrate.

The third Tree Magic I learned was to receive codes from the trees 💛🌲

All the wisdom and knowledge from ALL the advanced civilizations that ever existed are stored in the grids of our planet, and the trees have access to it 🫶💛🌳🌲

So ‘Tree Magic’ allows us to upload advanced codes from the trees.

Recently, I was in Greece, and as I arrived in Ancient Olympia, where we would go to explore the ruins, the trees greeted me in the quantum and told me that today all the codes I am to receive are through them.

As I walked through Ancient Olympia, I went from tree to tree, placing my hands and third eye on their trunk and receiving initiation after initiation of my Greek Goddess Avatar and technologies… It was wonderful 🫶🌲

Yet for years prior to this experience, I would also go to a tree, ask for support with a mission or a dream, and receive codes 💛

If this tree Magic resonates, please try it 🫶🌲🌳

I wanted to share some Magic with you today because yesterday I delivered a global channeled event where the souls traveled to Avalon, Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, and Lemuria, and called back many of their Soul’s Magic from lifetimes they had there.

As each soul called back their Magic, the grids that those advanced civilizations created came to life even more, and together we re-awakened ancient wisdom that is now flowing in the current grids of our planet, supporting all souls in their awakening and ascension.

If you joined me live, thank you! I had a ball with you. If you are awaiting the recording as you registered but could not make it, please check your email inbox for the replay link as it is there for you 💛

And if you didn’t register but would love the recording, here it is as my gift:

Our ascension invites us to embody our soul & our soul has infinite Magic 🪄🫶

Much love, light, and abundance,