Living a life of love and abundance means being able to create realities of our choosing and receiving all that this amazing planet has to offer!

Currently, I am in the Greek Islands, weaving beautiful timelines into existence. This magical part of the world holds many portals into the Golden God & Goddess realms and libraries of divine abundance.

While I’m here, I felt called to deliver a special FREE global event and invite you into the God & Goddess Realms for a powerful Abundance Activation.

This Activation will awaken your inner portal network to higher realm Abundance, re-activating the organic structure of consciousness connected to Abundance that has been dormant in humanity for a long time.

When more of us have our connection to Abundance fully restored, we shall co-create a world where all beings thrive!

If this resonates with you, please join me for:

– “Ascending in Abundance” –
Leaving the old grids and creating our own realities in infinite abundance

July 14th, 2024

– 4:00am New York
– 9:00am London
– 11:00am Greece
– 6:00pm Melbourne, Australia
– 8:00pm New Zealand
✨A recording will be sent to all who register in case you cannot make it live.✨
Much love,
Gaby 💛