About GKteam

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So far GKteam has created 35 blog entries.

MAGIC SCHOOL FOR KIDS… Is Calling in Volunteers!


I am honored to announce that a free online ascension school for kids will launch in March 2022✨ This is a non-for profit project coming from The Oneness Foundation to offer an online library, teaching webinars and Q&A/Coaching webinars to the children around our earth! My heart is full as Volunteers are coming from all [...]

MAGIC SCHOOL FOR KIDS… Is Calling in Volunteers!2022-01-22T02:21:47+00:00

Every New Earth Business Has A Soul & A Soul Mission


If you are evolving, ascending and running a business that shares your gifts with the world… Your offerings to the world are alive! They have a soul, a purpose, and a divine soul mission to full fill on earth! I’m honoured to share this sacred geometry with you today 😊 It is the soul code [...]

Every New Earth Business Has A Soul & A Soul Mission2022-01-19T01:02:28+00:00

Soul Blueprint Repair Activation – Allow For A Graceful Integration of Light Codes – Frequency Thrive 7


As we continue our ascension journey, we release templates & codes that do not serve us and receive or activate within us new higher realm templates… Along this divine journey we align more to our soul, our soul blueprint activates more and more & we embody our beloved multidimensional self. I felt to share a [...]

Soul Blueprint Repair Activation – Allow For A Graceful Integration of Light Codes – Frequency Thrive 72022-01-17T23:49:47+00:00

Do you have ‘Journey’ or ‘Destination’ templates?


The ascension journey has no end… We are always expanding, evolving & ascending. This is what it is to be a living consciousness! Our soul missions are the same, expanding, evolving & ascending, along with our level of consciousness. Those of us who still carry any parts of the 3D DESTINATION templates, find the journey [...]

Do you have ‘Journey’ or ‘Destination’ templates?2022-01-10T23:32:19+00:00

The Effects of 5G & a 5G Protection Quantum Technology Activation – Frequency Thrive 6


Since being back in Australia after my trip to the U.S, I’ve noticed more 5G towers and I wanted to share this powerful 5G Protection Quantum technology with you as it has been a blessing for me.In this video I share about the 5G effects & this beautiful powerful gift is a quantum shield to put [...]

The Effects of 5G & a 5G Protection Quantum Technology Activation – Frequency Thrive 62022-01-07T02:14:43+00:00
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