About GKteam

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So far GKteam has created 35 blog entries.

Everything Is Changing


During these times on our planet it is more important than ever for the Leaders & Business Owners who lead with love and light, to stay outside the collective consciousness grids. It is even more important than ever because we came to co-create a New Earth, not recreate the old one. If you are deeply [...]

Everything Is Changing2021-12-20T00:19:25+00:00

A Christmas Gift from my 12D Family and me 😊


My 12D family and I have a beautiful Christmas gift for you 💜🎄💜 We can choose ascension & mission paths of joy, abundance, love, oneness, and the creation of new realities beyond what has been before 🥰✨🙏🥳 I’m honored to co-create my mission with my 12D family of light, many many civilisations took a path [...]

A Christmas Gift from my 12D Family and me 😊2021-12-17T23:55:28+00:00

Within Us Rests a Codex of Creation.


Within us rests a codex of creation, so powerful, that it is creating a whole New Earth! For so long we have been hypnotized to believe there is only one earth and one shared reality. Yet in truth, every version of earth exists in the quantum, and every reality exists, probable and beyond probable realities [...]

Within Us Rests a Codex of Creation.2021-12-17T02:44:28+00:00

It is not about how much stuff we have!


Being ABUNDANT is not about how much STUFF we have 🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s about our ability to deeply enjoy and appreciate all we have created in every cell of our being 🥰🙏 Over the years I have witnessed countless people create lots of money, and lots of stuff! Yet, they would long for more, compare themselves [...]

It is not about how much stuff we have!2021-12-14T16:44:44+00:00

The Only Constant is “Change”


With the 4D bridge open...Soooo many timelines are available!Everything is shifting so fast, that the only constant is “Change”.Embracing the frequency of  “Divine Change” offers us a much more graceful ascension.It also allows us to release subtle layers of control, plus trust, allow, let go, surrender, forgive and receive gifts beyond our conscious imagination!New timelines [...]

The Only Constant is “Change”2021-12-14T02:23:34+00:00
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