About Marga Valverde

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So far Marga Valverde has created 246 blog entries.

Quantum Shifts Happen Daily


Quantum Leaps into alternate higher self-versions ourself happen daily, (even many times per day 😊) when we are devoted to our ascension in this lifetime. And if you have been shifting fast or wish to shift faster, I feel you may love this FREE Global Online Retreat. This message is a beautiful invitation for you [...]

Quantum Shifts Happen Daily2023-03-13T23:38:38+00:00

The doors are open…


As we continue our ascension journey, our "business" reflects that shift in our consciousness & transforms from a business, into a Multi-Dimensional Mission Empire of Light A sovereign consciousness steam that is creating and stabilizing a new Golden Age, (a pure Crystalline Age,) for all humanity If you know in every fiber of your being [...]

The doors are open…2023-02-27T21:02:33+00:00

Is this your soul mission?


Missioned Soul,Before your birth into this form, your soul, soul family & councils of light coded your physical body & soul blueprint with a unique mission…A mission to support the ascension of many souls on Earth…A mission to bring your soul codes to this planet, as they are the building blocks that are co-creating new [...]

Is this your soul mission?2023-02-23T03:00:00+00:00

Our offerings are not a “thing” we sell…


Our offerings to the world are not a “thing” we sell, they are living coded consciousness, & that divine consciousness is a part of our mission team!Each offering we have is alive & it’s evolving & ascending with us 🫶This video I’m sharing today is a snippet from a channeled event called: "SOUL MISSION EMPIRE [...]

Our offerings are not a “thing” we sell…2023-02-22T02:40:45+00:00

Our Soul Mission is “LEGACY WORK”…


Beautiful soul, for many of us, our Soul Mission is “LEGACY WORK”. We are familiar with ancient Civilisations such as Lemuria, Atlantis, Avalon, Shambhala, Maya, and Ancient Egypt...where advanced knowledge and wisdom of the universe created civilizations of abundance and the golden ages…where ascended masters like Isis and Hathor, created a soul legacy. They restructured [...]

Our Soul Mission is “LEGACY WORK”…2023-02-17T01:33:33+00:00
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