About Marga Valverde

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So far Marga Valverde has created 246 blog entries.

Our Soul’s Magic… 🧚🏻‍♂️🧜🏻‍♂️🧝‍♀️


We are all powerful multi-dimensional creators of worlds!!  As we evolve & ascend we divinely call back more soul memory on “how to create realities & worlds” with great precision and full consciousness. Many beings around the world are still creating very unconsciously, yet there are those who are Missioned to remember how to create [...]

Our Soul’s Magic… 🧚🏻‍♂️🧜🏻‍♂️🧝‍♀️2023-01-09T21:12:24+00:00

Creating a 2023 of our choosing!


This year is such a powerful year for those of us who are remembering that we create reality with the frequencies we choose to co-create with. Many souls have chosen a theme or a word for this year that guides them. It could be … Mastery Or Abundance Or Completion Or Love Or Soul mission [...]

Creating a 2023 of our choosing!2023-01-09T20:39:05+00:00

The Realms of Existence…💫


One of the biggest misinterpretations of reality is that there is one earth and we all share a reality that exists outside of us. All reality exists within us and we project it out… Our world is multi-dimensional and many many versions of it exist!!! This video is a co-creation with my dear friend Polina, [...]

The Realms of Existence…💫2023-01-09T20:36:02+00:00

The Quantum Field!


Everything exists in the Quantum field, EVERYTHING!! Every thought, every feeling, every dream, creates realities within the quantum…So that means that when people say: “It’s just your imagination”. What they don’t get, is that our imagination creates realities & therefore our imagination is “real”!!!This is why there are lower realms of existence with what is perceived as evil or dense [...]

The Quantum Field!2022-12-22T22:45:17+00:00

You are invited to a profound soul adventure…


Quantum Magic School is open for enrollment... Come take a profound 7-month ascension journey with us & becomes a Certified Quantum Practitioner The Journey begins 27th January 2023 & competes on the 23rd August 2023 Magic School is built within a powerful grid of advanced codes and invites you to a journey of evolution and [...]

You are invited to a profound soul adventure…2022-12-21T16:24:09+00:00
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