About Marga Valverde

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So far Marga Valverde has created 246 blog entries.

Gift – The Codes of Co-Creation Transmission


We are never alone, & we knew before we came here, that we are part of a massive family of light who supports and loves us every step of the way 💛⁣ ⁣ We came here to co-create with each other, ⁣ With our higher selves, ⁣ With our Soul/Star families, ⁣ With benevolent beings [...]

Gift – The Codes of Co-Creation Transmission2022-11-24T00:17:04+00:00

How to Create Timelines & Realities


We didn’t come to Change the World… We came to create a NEW ONE! 🫶 For the first time ever, I shall be delivering a 3 day channeled event sharing… The Codes That Create Worlds 💫 These are the most powerful codes I have the honor to share with those who are here to co-create [...]

How to Create Timelines & Realities2022-11-21T23:13:45+00:00

When our Mission is Beyond Business


When our Soul Missions do not fully fit in the business box 🙃 I still remember how I would feel at the end of a business & marketing mastermind that only taught the strategy & didn’t cover any personal consciousness transformation, or frequency work… I felt depleted and my passion and enthusiasm for my mission [...]

When our Mission is Beyond Business2022-11-19T00:56:49+00:00

Many Soul Missions, is this one yours? 🫶


🫶 There are hundreds of thousands of souls on earth right now that were chosen to be here for a specific mission 🫶 This mission is to carry the very building blocks of new earth in their light bodies, DNA & Bones, and be in the physical realms to build the New Earth! These souls [...]

Many Soul Missions, is this one yours? 🫶2022-11-16T00:20:22+00:00

Our Offerings Ascend with us – Nothing is Constant During Ascension


Missioned Souls do not create “products”, they create “Mission Coded Offerings” 💫☺️💫 Mission Offerings are coded with our souls Mission codex and have a soul. They are alive 🙏💫 They also evolve & ascend with us, yet they rely on us to support their ascension. So for our own graceful Mission evolution & ascension, we [...]

Our Offerings Ascend with us – Nothing is Constant During Ascension2022-11-10T01:29:40+00:00
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