About Marga Valverde

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So far Marga Valverde has created 246 blog entries.

Please read this if you believe in dragons πŸ‰πŸ’›β˜ΊοΈ


I just went on the funnest Soul Mission EVER & I would love to share what happened with you β˜ΊοΈπŸ’«β£ ⁣ So there I am on the plane to New Zealand, and 4 amazing dragons connect with me in the Quantum.⁣ ⁣ The 5 of us have had many missions together into other lifetimes, so [...]

Please read this if you believe in dragons πŸ‰πŸ’›β˜ΊοΈ2022-10-18T01:16:16+00:00

The difference between the 3D Business grid and a 5D Mission Empire of Light


Today I felt to share with you the difference between the 3D Business grid and a 5D Mission Empire or Temple of Light. Now, please know that every grid in our multiverse is a living fractal of source consciousness, which is why this perception of good and bad is not accurate and what we wish [...]

The difference between the 3D Business grid and a 5D Mission Empire of Light2022-10-07T23:05:04+00:00

Ascension vs. Evolution


There is a big difference between ascension & evolution & to really get this difference, we first are welcomed to remember that… Nothing happens outside of us πŸ™βœ¨We each project ourself onto the world.If we are the frequency of love & abundance, all we see is love & abundance.If with in us is fear or [...]

Ascension vs. Evolution2022-10-05T22:42:11+00:00

The Golden Scrolls of Abundance πŸ’«πŸ“œπŸ’«


Would you like to come to Melbourne & be in person together for 3 days??? Our world is opening up, & that means I get to hug more people because we can travel again πŸ₯°πŸŽˆ In a few weeks from now, on the 27th to the 29th of October I am delivering a very unique [...]

The Golden Scrolls of Abundance πŸ’«πŸ“œπŸ’«2022-10-03T22:21:06+00:00

I am in NZ ✨


I’m in New Zealand, baby!!✨πŸ₯³πŸ’«β£ ⁣ Last year and this year, I did a lot of grid work in NZ, yet it was done in the quantum because of travel restrictions.⁣ ⁣ During the quantum grid work, I knew that I would travel to NZ as soon as I could to complete the work in [...]

I am in NZ ✨2022-10-01T00:58:33+00:00
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