About Marga Valverde

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So far Marga Valverde has created 246 blog entries.

Exciting News & Celebrations 🥳✨


WE NEEDED A DUMBLEDORE 🧙🏻🪄💫⁣⁣This year, I founded “Magic School 4 Teens & Kids”, A FREE online Modern Mystery School for our youth…⁣ & we have come a very long way already in building this amazing online living library of light & Magic!!⁣⁣So thank you to all the amazing volunteers for your divine love and service 🙏💛⁣⁣In June, it became [...]

Exciting News & Celebrations 🥳✨2022-09-27T00:11:35+00:00

Codes that Create Worlds


We all have a soul/star family who guides us in this life, & for Missioned souls, our soul/star family is not only guiding us, they are also our team for our soul mission on earth & they serve here with us & through us.⁣⁣My soul family is made up of countless benevolent star races across [...]

Codes that Create Worlds2022-09-26T14:23:06+00:00

Evolution of the Crystalline Grids


The evolution of the crystalline grids on earth. ⁣ The crystalline grids on earth hold the codes & templates of our previous golden ages of existence.⁣ ⁣ As we now co-create a New Earth, these grids are more alive than they have been in a very long time.⁣ ⁣ Yet, our New Earth is not [...]

Evolution of the Crystalline Grids2022-09-22T22:38:07+00:00

Beyond Business Replay Access


I have so much joy in my heart because, a powerful new grid was anchored into the crystalline grids of Gaia...⁣⁣I held this grid for a few years and the time came where the world was ready for it, and that brings soooooo much happiness to my soul 🙂⁣⁣The Grid is the 'Mission Empire of Light [...]

Beyond Business Replay Access2022-09-19T14:15:17+00:00

3 Grid Work Missions


The 3 main Grid Work Missions.⁣⁣There are various grid work missions on our beloved planet & I felt to share about this today…⁣⁣Before I do, I also wanted to clarify for those who may like to know… what grids are? 😊⁣⁣Grids are the quantum architecture behind the physical reality we experience.⁣⁣We literally exist within grids, that [...]

3 Grid Work Missions2022-09-16T00:12:49+00:00
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