About Marga Valverde

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So far Marga Valverde has created 246 blog entries.

Free Global Event Ticket 🎟✨


FREE ONLINE EVENT:⁣⁣BEYOND BUSINESS…⁣Leading A Mission Empire of Light on Earth!⁣⁣⁣5D Missioned Souls, did not come to Earth to build a business, we came here to co-create a new golden age of existence.⁣⁣Business exists within a 3D architecture, a grid work based in duality and coded with 3rd density drivers such as fame, success, money [...]

Free Global Event Ticket 🎟✨2022-09-14T23:45:56+00:00

Beyond Duality, there is resonance without judgment


When we go beyond “wrong” & “right”, we find that everything has a place in the universe, and things either resonate with us or they don’t 😊⁣⁣Meaning, everything has its own frequency, and its own song.⁣⁣The thing is, not all music goes well together, lol 🎶🎵🪗🥁🙈🙃⁣⁣Yet, some music goes soooo well together that when we [...]

Beyond Duality, there is resonance without judgment2022-09-13T23:35:51+00:00

Free Global Online Event Invitation…


Something special is happening in a few days time!!!⁣⁣I’ll be hosting a powerful FREE online event, & you are invited 😊✨🥳⁣⁣You may not know this, yet I stopped calling myself a business coach a little while ago.⁣⁣First I shifted to New Earth Business coach…⁣⁣And now I am a New Earth Mission coach instead 😊⁣⁣Why, you may ask?⁣⁣Because business [...]

Free Global Online Event Invitation…2022-09-12T23:03:27+00:00

Book a Channeled Course Consultation 💛🙏✨


Did you know that we offer Free Channeled Timeline Consultations??? Any soul who is guided/inspired to come work with me first receives a powerful FREE channeled session to see what the highest timelines of working together could be✨ You may not know this, yet I went into sales over 20 years ago, and I was [...]

Book a Channeled Course Consultation 💛🙏✨2022-09-08T23:49:30+00:00

How we go in and out of timelines


We travel in and out of countless realities every second…⁣Now more than ever, it’s important for us to remember that there is an abundance of timelines to choose from!!⁣⁣And WE get to choose!!⁣⁣We can create timelines coded with love & unity, or timelines coded with fear & separation.⁣⁣Even if the human collective is still creating [...]

How we go in and out of timelines2022-09-07T23:34:41+00:00
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