About Marga Valverde

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So far Marga Valverde has created 246 blog entries.

The Highest Timeline Myth ✨


For such a long time, we have been perceiving that we have a highest timeline, that there is this “ONE highest timeline” for us & if we are not on “this” timeline we are failing somehow 🤷🏼‍♀️⁣⁣This video is a snippet from a webinar I just ran in the New Earth Mission Collective, preparing everyone for [...]

The Highest Timeline Myth ✨2022-09-02T23:19:52+00:00

Scholarship Winners 🎁✨


252 amazing souls applied for a scholarship to Codex of Abundance & my team and I spend hours going through the beautiful applications 💛 Choosing only 4 souls was soooooooo hard 🙈😓🙏💛 I seriously considered increasing the number of scholarships 🤯 And then an awesome idea came to me! 💡🥸🥳😍 What if ALL 252 souls [...]

Scholarship Winners 🎁✨2022-08-26T00:35:20+00:00

I am gifting 4 beautiful souls a full scholarship to The Codex of Abundance


I am gifting 4 beautiful souls a full scholarship to The Codex of Abundance ✨💛 Together with The Higher Realm Goddesses of Abundance, we shall go on a divine journey to receive & call back higher realm abundance & creation codes, so you can reflect realities of deep soul alignment & anchor New Earth timelines [...]

I am gifting 4 beautiful souls a full scholarship to The Codex of Abundance2022-08-20T18:18:16+00:00

Scholarship Giveaway ✨💛


We are giving away 4 Full scholarships to Codex of Abundance!!! Yay!!!⁣ 🥳🎉🎁⁣Today I woke up and felt super excited to call in 4 souls to receive the Codex of Abundance course as a gift from Me and the Oneness Foundation!!!⁣⁣In October, there will be a 3-day LIVE EVENT in Melbourne, Australia (also delivered via livestream around [...]

Scholarship Giveaway ✨💛2022-08-18T03:13:41+00:00

Embodying Abundance to Create Alternate Realities ✨


The embodiment of Abundance allows us to let go of all templates of scarcity & fear, to create a New Golden Age of ExistenceWe came to earth knowing we are creators of worlds & in this video I share keys to stabilizing abundance withinPlus if you love this video I would also love to give [...]

Embodying Abundance to Create Alternate Realities ✨2022-08-12T23:05:30+00:00
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