About Marga Valverde

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So far Marga Valverde has created 246 blog entries.

I found 5D land


ABUNDANT EMPIRES - CHANGE THE WORLD I believe with all my heart that the Missioned Souls on Earth (AKA 5D Business Creators) are meant to be abundant! Abundance allows us to create a New World, because we have the resources that we need to make our visions a reality. I’m currently in North Queensland, Australia, [...]

I found 5D land2022-05-24T00:32:50+00:00

Beyond Hierarchy Consciousness


A new form of Leadership exists beyond hierarchy consciousness.This way of Leading is pure and honors the leader without putting them on a pedestal.This means that Every soul is seen as important & valuable.Every soul is honored for what they bring to the mission, regardless if they hold a leadership position, or a support position [...]

Beyond Hierarchy Consciousness2022-05-19T00:03:10+00:00

Our Children’s Future


A Vision comes to life…Imagine a world where our children grow up with their multidimensional memory and free from the programs that create separation, competition, and scarcity...Imagine a world where 10, 15, 20 years from now, the youth of today grow up with their soul embodied and create a world beyond survival for all humanity…Imagine [...]

Our Children’s Future2022-05-18T20:34:45+00:00

We Do Not Live in Duality, Duality Lives Within Us


For so long we have been told that we live in duality, and to accept that deep contrast & suffering is part of life on Earth.Yet, this is not accurate!This video shares codes of remembering beyond dualistic reality.5D ascension welcomes us to perceive and create realities beyond duality & that means we each let go [...]

We Do Not Live in Duality, Duality Lives Within Us2022-05-17T23:03:46+00:00

5D Business is nothing like 3D business


5D business is not business like we have ever known it to be before… 5D business exists in a completely different grid than 3D business. Actually, It can not even accurately be called “business” anymore, as it is so different in its quantum & physical structure. Just as we personally ascend to let go of [...]

5D Business is nothing like 3D business2022-05-14T01:07:38+00:00
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