When we choose the path of LOVE & ABUNDANCE as our ascension path, we are invited to let go of ALL suffering, and many new templates of consciousness come alive within us!!

Duality is a 3rd & 4th density perception, and once we expand our consciousness beyond it, EVERYTHING changes forever… 💫

We embody more unconditional love and create realities beyond our imagining! 🫶

There are many pathways to our awakening, we can awaken and ascend through contrast and duality, where each perceived challenging time can create profound growth & expansion…Yet for many souls on earth, this path no longer resonates, and the desire for a more abundant and graceful evolution and ascension journey grows within their hearts.

If you are ready to let go of realties of contrast and feel excited to become the version of yourself who embodies a higher light (love) quota, and a whole new consciousness operating system, please keep reading…💖

There are many new consciousness templates available and I wish to share a few in this text today: 🫶


“Countless Worlds & Realties”

There are countless versions of Earth, and even though there is the perception of a shared reality and global reality, we can create alternate realities and timelines for ourselves and not co-create with the collective consciousness and the media.

When we fully embody this template we are FREE, because nothing that happens in the reality created by the media and thus co-created by the collective who attunes to that narrative, affects us, as we know we create our own realities and can choose not to co-create with the collective. ☺️

This template of consciousness allows us to create new realities when it matters most, meaning, even if all around us other beings we speak with feel fear and worry about the future, we can simply observe this and KNOW that there are countless realities to choose from and even more possibilities we can create & therefore not fall into any fear-based narrative around us!

💫  “The universe is within us, not outside of us”
All reality is within us and we project it out, ALL of it!! And so to be powerful creators we are invited to upgrade our inner consciousness templates and project new realities. If at any time we experience the illusion that something ‘outside of us’ can harm us, & it does, this is because deep within our subconscious (our quantum field) there are programs, patterns, & echos of fear and once we transmute that within us, we can walk up to a lion and he won’t hurt us.

💫  “Everything Exists”
Everything exists, and I mean EVERYTHING, when we shift realities, the old realities don’t cease to exist, we simply no longer reside in the frequency resonance to them and have no access to them anymore.

We reside on (create) different realities and timelines. Others may still reside in the old ones and you simply don’t anymore.

When you embody this template of consciousness, you can observe someone creating realities with fear or co-creating realities with the media and the masses, and you can simply let them be, without needing to rescue them or fight them. 🫶

This is how we are creating and anchoring the New Earth, by creating new realities outside of the realities created by media. ☺️

This also means that EVERYTHING gets to exist in the multiverse, & there is no point in judging it or fighting it, we can simply choose to accept its existence, and create new realities beyond it.

Trying to change an existing reality is not as joyful as creating a new one and residing there instead.

As more and more of us leave the old realities and create our own, the FREE pollution shall grow and grow and grow and before you know it, the New Earth shall be populated by the masses!! 🥰🎊

If you resonate with these words and would love to embody these templates and create alternate realities of your choosing I invite you to join me and other ascending souls in…

Quantum Magic School (QMS) 🪄💫🫶
A 5D Ascension Journey of light built on the pathways of love & abundance.

QMS is a powerful co-creation with…

💫 My 12D Soul Family
💫 Angelic Realm
💫 Ascended Masters
💫 Dragons
💫 Blue Avians
💫 Councils of light within the Higher Realms of Inner Earth
💫 Councils of light throughout our universe

It is a very large team of light, that guides you upon pathways of love to embody more of your soul memory and your soul’s unique gifts, technologies, codes, and key codes.

Being Multi-Dimensional means we unify the experience our soul is having in the quantum now into this body…which means we access 5D, 6D, 7D… consciousness templates and live a life of profound freedom, abundance & love!!!  💖

When we embody more of our soul, we experience memories from other lifetimes as if they happened in this one, & this is what it means to be a Multi-Dimensional being & how we become the version of self who enjoys earth to the fullest. 🎊💫🥰

If you would love to find out more please click here for full details and to book a complimentary course zoom consultation: https://gabykowalski.org/quantum-shift/

(**enrollment is by application only to ensure only those who are ready to join us)

Much love

Gaby 💝

P.S: Please watch the intro event to get a taste of this powerful inner work: Click Here To Watch.

P.P.S: If you are one of the souls joining us, I am sooooooo beyond excited to co-create with you!! We are going to have such a fun adventure!!!  🥰💫🫶🪄