A new form of Leadership exists beyond hierarchy consciousness.

This way of Leading is pure and honors the leader without putting them on a pedestal.

This means that Every soul is seen as important & valuable.

Every soul is honored for what they bring to the mission, regardless if they hold a leadership position, or a support position ☺️

For years, I have been decoding hierarchy templates and activating templates of Divine Co-Creation within ascending souls.

This is one of my soul missions & I do this because it sets everyone free ☺️

The true Leaders of The New Earth are able to see the unique codes within others and co-create with the souls who have the codes needed to fulfil the mission, void of their status in 3D infrastructure.

The codex each soul holds is seen & valued fully!

This ability to see the soul codex within others has us attract phenomenal team to co-create with & that means we can scale our mission empires and realize our big visions on earth.

No one wants to serve in an environment where they are devalued, under paid and not seen for the powerful & divine old soul that they truly are!

And so, 5D leadership is totally different than 3D leadership, as the leader and team are each honored for the part they play in the greater whole 💜🙏👑

This video is a snippet from a channeled transmission on Leadership, where we call back our soul memory from lifetimes beyond hierarchy consciousness.

Please click here to receive it fully “The 5D Leadership Codex”: https://gabykowalskiglobal.com/the-5d-leadership-codex-replay

Choose Heart Consciousness.
Choose 5D.
Much Love,
Gaby 💜


I have the honor to facilitate “The New Earth Mission Collective” (NEMC), a truly amazing program for Ascending Missioned Souls.

This is the most advanced offering I have and is for souls who are building & scaling 5D empires & co-creating a New Golden Age of Existence on Earth.

If you are feeling called to create a true 5D Abundant Empire & leave a soul legacy of light on Earth, please click here to continue the conversation: https://gabykowalski.org/new-earth-mission-collective/