We all have a soul/star family who guides us in this life, & for Missioned souls, our soul/star family is not only guiding us, they are also our team for our soul mission on earth & they serve here with us & through us.⁣

My soul family is made up of countless benevolent star races across our universe who let go of their star origins to form a universal family of light in the 12th Dimension. ⁣

So because my soul family is made of many universal races, when I meet with them in the Quantum field, they appear in many different forms. ⁣

The first forms I connected with, I refer to as the Gods & Goddesses, they are giant, hairless, jet black beings with golden sacred tattoos all over their bodies, and they have shared very advanced codes & technology on abundance with me.⁣

Then, there are these awesome, tall Leopard humanoids who wear amazing crown technology upon their furry heads.⁣

When I first met with them, I met with a male who I knew very well & it was so odd because as he spoke I had flashbacks of being his beloved & I could barely concentrate on his teachings.⁣

Basically, I carried a mega soul crush for him, and he made me blush a lot 🥰🤣⁣

I remember thinking, wow, I so have the hots for this tall leopard in human form ☺️🙈🙊🥰💛⁣

The Leopard beings share crystalline leadership codes & crown technology with me, and have taught me that quantum & physical crowns serve not as a symbol of power, they are here to program our Channel to receive only that that aligns with our sovereign soul & soul mission.⁣

In short, we can filter the vast quantum via crown technology & only be open to receive from the libraries of light & source.⁣

This is very helpful as the crown discerns what is of the light and only allows light through our channel, plus it downloads precise directives from source and our guides with clarity and precision. ⁣

The crowns are coded with our missions and so as leaders we wear them to ensure we serve at the highest.⁣

There is many versions & functions of Crown Tech & as it’s a living consciousness with a soul, it co-creates with our multidimensional self & source.⁣

Truly a wonderful gift for any Missioned soul on earth & beyond 💛🙏⁣

Yet, another part of my soul family are beings of pure light, they take no form, yet when I meet with them, I ask them to take form & they show up as a smoky outline of a person & always remind me that this is not their true form, & that my mind is creating a form of them because I want to see them 😜😊😍 lol ⁣

They work with me to increase my own light Quota & the light quota of my beloved clients.⁣

✨by light quota, I mean the frequency & volume of light that the light bodies & human body can maintain permanently.⁣

In short, the amount of higher realm love & abundance codes we can stabilize into our atoms – the higher our light quota, the higher the frequency of light codes we can receive & embody, & this makes our divine ascension journey more graceful & fun 🥰✨🥳⁣

Increasing light quota literally increases the amount of light in our current over soul access, and takes density out & stores it into the Akashic Archives, where it has no effect on our current lifetime existence anymore.⁣

This means we can permanently hold more light in every atom of our being.✨⁣

Another part of my soul family are Giant Birds who can shape-shift into non-physical & also take a humanoid avatar form.⁣

When I first consciously met with my avian family in the quantum, I went to their original planet.⁣

✨(please note they no longer reside there in this 12D version of self, instead they travel in advanced spaceships that are more like cities of light in space)✨⁣

I went to the planet because I was remembering a life there.⁣

The planet had nature, but it was purples and blues and very different to Earth, I was a giant Bird and I flew all over the planet, soaring across the oceans and forests and I felt so free and peaceful.⁣

I was also able to shape-shift, and here on this planet I received the most advanced codes I have the honor to hold. (more on this later in the text) 💛🙏⁣

There are many more benevolent races that make up my 12D Family & we truly look like a diverse and beautiful odd bunch indeed 🥰✨😜🤩😉😍⁣

Yet, we came together because we chose to let go of our planetary & galactic identity & have the whole universe be our family & home 💛⁣

In 2019, I received an initiation from the avian bird part of my soul family, this initiation was the most powerful one I had ever received, ⁣

I was given…⁣

The Codes That Create Worlds.⁣

These Key Codes are the most advanced technology I have the honor to share & co-create with 🙏⁣

And you can see some of them in the image I share with this text ✨💛

They are so beautiful right??? ⁣

Our divine universe is made of many worlds….⁣

Some of us are Missioned to create new worlds of light, & we are now here to co-create the new worlds of 5D & beyond Gaia.⁣

If you are one of these souls, you carry templates for building a new earth and these templates are the building blocks Gaia & Source asked you to bring here.⁣

The New Earth, or 5D Gaia, is truly a different world to the world we grew up on.⁣

The Codes that Create Worlds are here to activate, initiate & serve alongside those of us who are here to co-create a new world & are devolved to our soul ascension & soul mission.⁣

These codes have us create alternate realities & timelines outside of the realities created by the collective consciousness on earth. ⁣

The higher purpose of this is, so we can live our own alternate crystalline lives of abundance & form new crystalline grids that are the architecture of the new world we came here to create.⁣

If these words light up your heart & you know with every atom of your being that you came here to create something new, please keep reading…⁣

The Codes That Create Worlds are shared in my offering called…⁣

The New Earth Mission Collective (NEMC)⁣

I literally deliver a 3-day event on these codes alone with in the journey.⁣

NEMC is a semi private offering filled with souls of pure light & love.⁣

This is my most advanced offering for those who are ready to receive profound initiations, many technologies and templates for anchoring an abundant empire of light on Gaia, and the Codes that Create Worlds, so together we can create a new Golden Age of Existence…⁣

A pure Crystalline Age & New World.⁣

Right now I am calling in the pure Missioned souls with countless lifetimes on Earth & beyond, to join an advanced ascension & soul mission journey…⁣

A journey to call back Memory & codexes from your lifetimes in Golden Ages of existence & higher realm planets across the multiverse, to birth new grids & templates that shall create alternate realities for you to live in & anchor our beloved New Earth.⁣

A journey to receive initiations and activations from my 12D Soul Family, Ascended Masters, Angelic Realm, Benevolent races in our universe, & Gaia.⁣

A journey to build and anchor soul & source coded temples & empires of light, plus to serve in the higher realms & in your highest timelines of Abundance, mission & ascension.⁣

This is a co-creation with Divine Gaia & Source, & if it calls you, please click here and book a private call to see if this profound adventure and mission fully aligns for you & your soul: https://gabykowalski.org/new-earth-mission-collective/

Choose 5D⁣
Much love⁣
Gaby 💜