Imagine a massive and intricate puzzle with tiny little pieces, say this puzzle is the size of a huge building.

Now, imagine with your third eye and your divine creative imagination that this particular puzzle has an image and the image itself is the whole universe, every dimension, all the different solar systems.

I invite you to see this puzzle as a fourth-dimensional construct in the sense that it has depth, width, and many different versions of Earth through time and space.

Imagine different versions of this puzzle representing ancient Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis, ancient Rome, and even representing other star systems like Sirius and Pleiades. Imagine the whole universe in the Quantum ‘Now’ expressed in that fourth-dimensional galactic puzzle.

Now, every single tiny puzzle piece represents one fractal of Source Consciousness β€” one soul incarnation. So you would be one of the puzzle pieces right now in your life and you’re anchored on Earth in 2023.

As your soul has had (actually is having) countless incarnations, you also could be a puzzle piece from a previous life, say in 2000 BC, and that puzzle still exists as well in the quantum NOW.

Because our soul is eternal, we have been many of these puzzle pieces over many of our lifetimes and configurations. A lot of us have had lifetimes outside of this earth’s realm, all over the stars!

We can also have puzzle pieces as Ascended Masters within our oversoul.
WE have also likely explored density and different frequencies of fear, deprivation, scarcity, power, and control…for our soul’s expansion, evolution & ascension.

We could be looking at somebody else and judging them right now, yet in a past incarnation, we could have done and explored the exact same path. You as a soul have had many incarnations, and been many different puzzle pieces.

This puzzle also represents different realms of existence:

Lower realms – think pain and suffering, violent crime, war energy.
Middle realms – people that are just wanting to succeed and make their parents proud and look good in society.
Higher realms – people who are ascending, calling in more and more love, and being pillars of light in the world.

Imagine there are these puzzle pieces everywhere and your piece moves into different configurations because there are so many different versions of Earth…you were on a different version of Earth yesterday, and the day before, etc.

Now, when we look around this puzzle, we acknowledge that there are frequencies of beings that are in 12-dimensional consciousness – such as Ascended Masters anchored beyond physicality.

And some fractals are anchored into the 3rd and 4th Dimension within lower densities, which are in survival mode and have so much fear in their field that they are hurting others.

All exists within this vast and elaborate puzzle. And, Every single fractal of Source Consciousness can exist and does exist! they are all exactly who and what they are to be and each one is offered ascension out of pain, fear, and suffering, into love, joy, and peace.

There is no right and wrong, it just is. When we’re able to grasp all of these and see all of this as ONE, we know that every single fractal is beautifully divine.

Even though we can raise our consciousness to more love,
and shift along the puzzle,
shift into different configurations,
anchor into different realities,
hold different frequencies…
..that doesn’t mean that the other puzzle pieces cease to exist.

And so we get to look at all the puzzle pieces and simply let them be.
We’re not here to save anyone. And we’re not here to force anyone, or change anyone.

We’re here to be our own happy fractal of source and travel the universe in alignment with our unique frequency. When we travel the universe through the pathways of love, we simply keep stepping into and becoming puzzle pieces that can hold and harness more love in our field, receive joy and abundance in higher frequency expressions, and be kind and good to others.

And this is why, as a human collective, the more souls choose ascension, the ascension collective creates NEW realities together and lets go of the old ones, thus creating what we call a New Earth.

So we get to choose forgiveness, compassion and we get to let go of any co-creating with fractals that do not resonate with our highest excitement, and let go of the Lowe realms and Middle realms, to anchor into the Higher Realm parts of the puzzle and continue living and creating life there.

We get to choose the puzzle piece we are and where in the puzzle we reside and let others choose theirs, this is true freedom.Β Please let me know your thoughts on this!

Much love,
Gaby 🫢🏽