The ascension journey has no end… We are always expanding, evolving & ascending.

This is what it is to be a living consciousness!

Our soul missions are the same, expanding, evolving & ascending, along with our level of consciousness.

Those of us who still carry any parts of the 3D DESTINATION templates, find the journey of ascension & mission, more challenging than those that hold the divine 5D JOURNEY template. [A template is simply an operation program within our subconscious that creates our reality & experience – when it is changed we create different realities].

Years ago I experienced & created realities with the ‘destination’ template. It was ALL about the destination – meaning all about the results!

Back then the “destination” was to build a 7 figure business & I fully burnt out my little adrenals in those realities and timeliness!

Letting go of the ‘destination’ template & taking a conscious evolution journey out of 3D consciousness, was one of the most beautiful gifts of my life, that I deeply appreciate with every cell of my being 🙏

Ironically I created my 7 figure business realities after I released the destination templates.

The destination template has us constantly looking at the gap between where we are & where we desire to be. It is a 3D linear time template and anchors us into the future (or the past, if we have had much preferred realities in the past).

With this 3D template, if we don’t get to the destination fast enough, our mind forms a narrative that creates emotional states of: frustration, disappointment, concussion, anger, sadness… And this Quantum Shifts us to lower timelines and alternate versions of ourselves we do not prefer. This is because ‘the mind’ in this operation template, can’t process that we don’t yet HAVE the results of the journey.

It loops all sorts of stories as it tries to process, and we can experience feeling very unfulfilled along our journeys in life and in business.

If we fully release the 3D destination templates & embody the 5D journey templates, in all areas of life, we don’t lose any devotion & full commitment to our visions. [There is a 3D journey template that has souls avoid taking action and this template is void of devotion & gives up fast].

The 5D journey template allows us to take the FULL journey of becoming, and abundantly receive each step of the journey via our heart consciousness. I have found EVEN MORE courage within this template and even more devotion to my mission and ascension. This template is anchored in the NOW moment.

It amplifies the beauty of the NOW moment.

So if we are for example building and scaling a 7 figure mission business, we simply stay the journey and lovingly finish the projects in front of us with joy in our hearts that we have a mission.

We maintain appreciation that there was a time in our lives that we did not have this mission activated, and we smile that in this reality and on this part of the journey, we are FULLY within our mission realities & timelines.

Plus this template also offers us a calibration to full soul alignment with all we do, so everything is more fun and delicious

Long story short…

The ascension of our consciousness is taking us to embody more of our MultiDimensionality & let go of linear time to anchor deeply into NOW!

Business expansion & evolution takes us on a journey of mastering how to market, sell, package our offerings, build a team, wealth creation and become a powerful leader.

For an ascending soul, all of the above is also done with 5D templates, MultiDimensionally & in a higher consciousness of abundance & divine service.

And that means that each department in our mission kingdoms and empires of light (AKA – businesses) is run by different consciousness templates & it’s these templates that change the way we are, and all we do within our missions.

The more missioned souls that embody 5D templates of Light, the more graceful the creation of our New Earth shall be 🙏

If you would love to be in a playground filled with 5D templates to support your beautiful personal & mission ascension, I invite you to join me in “The New Earth Mission Collective” and take a powerful quantum journey of receiving 5D templates that open up the creation of New Earth realities & timelines.

Activations, Upgrades and Guidance from Me and:

The Galactic Federation
12D Ascended Masters
Inner Earth Councils of Light
Councils of light
Angelic Realm

Plus all the resources I have created and collected over the past 20 years to build and scale my Abundant Mission Empire of Light.

Join me to Bring in the New Earth for the Collective Consciousness on Our Planet, and Shift into Higher Frequency Planes of Existence.

Please click here for full details:

Choose 5D
Much love
Gaby 💜