If you are evolving, ascending and running a business that shares your gifts with the world… Your offerings to the world are alive!

They have a soul, a purpose, and a divine soul mission to full fill on earth!

I’m honoured to share this sacred geometry with you today 😊

It is the soul code of my offering named The New Earth Mission Collective ✨

The soul mission of The New Earth Mission Collective is to support New Earth missioned souls & leaders to build and scale true Abundant Mission Empires of Light ✨

And as each soul who joins us takes the journey to become a true New Earth Leader of Light, receive 5D templates & create a New Earth business.

The New Earth business they create is no longer a business as we know it, it becomes an Abundant Empire of Light ✨

And in the Quantum, it anchors the soul and soul family codes into the grids of Gaia and helps her stabilize the New Earth realities and timelines for all life on our planet.

Each soul that feels aligned to this beautiful offering comes to anchor a joyful and abundant life, walk the path of ascension & fulfil their soul mission in the most abundant and aligned timelines.

In this image you shall see the circles that represent the New Earth realities and some circles have Empires of light inside them 😊

My mission is to co-create with my 12D soul family, benevolent beings of light and the souls who join us in the New Earth Mission Collective… and together we are filling all New Earth realities that Gaia creates, with Abundant Temples, Empires & Kingdoms of Light ✨

I know that this mission is stabilising the new earth timelines, and allowing more and more souls to awaken and shift out of the old 3D grids of duality, hardship, contrast and pain… Into new grids of unity, sovereignty and a life of joy and abundance.

It truly breaks my heart to see people and animals suffering, and this is how I do something about it. Because I know the mission of my offering and how important it is, I am devoted beyond any conditions.

I would NEVER give up on this mission or stop creating content that talks about it and invites souls to join us!

This is what it means to have a New Earth 5D business, it’s not just a business anymore… It’s a Mission!

I believe with all my heart that as ascending business owners, our journey is to be the most loving and devoted Kings, Queens, Emperors and Empresses… True Leaders of Light with our full divine leadership templates activated and embodied!!

Imagine a world filled with true, devoted and loving Leaders who honour their mission and serve at the highest? What an even more beautiful world that would be 💜

I invite you to Ask your offering:

What is your mission? And stay in this deep enquiry until you download the full depths of why you are on earth at this time, and why your offerings are important beyond words.

Choose 5D
Much love
Gaby 💜

If you look at the soul code of The New Earth Mission Collective image & feel it awakening something deep within your heart… Please click here for full details & to book in a private phone chat & let’s explore if receiving advanced creation templates & building a true Abundant Mission Empire is in full alignment for you and your soul mission: https://gabykowalski.org/new-earth-mission-collective/

P.p.s My beautiful course consultant Mel is now on maternity leave and I will be filling in for her and personally taking all channeled course consultation calls & I am super excited to chat with you if your soul calls you to book in 💜


Art created by: Pippa https://elestialdesigns.com/