During these times on our planet it is more important than ever for the Leaders & Business Owners who lead with love and light, to stay outside the collective consciousness grids.

It is even more important than ever because we came to co-create a New Earth, not recreate the old one.

If you are deeply devoted to your evolution, ascension & living a life of Sovereignty and true Freedom then it is highly likely you have a soul mission to Co-create a New Age of Existence.

And I would love to invite you to an online event I know you shall love!

In a couple days, I am delivering a CHANNELED TRANSMISSION where I’ll go deep on the stages of ascension for businesses from 3D to 5D, to support your mission businesses being in alignment with your ascending self.

Plus I’ll go deep on creating alternate timelines & realities (outside the collective timelines) of abundance, to support all New Earth leaders to be in their highest realities and timelines of abundance to fulfill our divine missions.

As I write this post 324 amazing souls have already registered for this event, and if that is you, Yay!!!
​I am so excited to have you there and beyond happy that you feel this call within 🙏✨

If you have not registered your free spot yet, please click the link for full info & to register: https://gabykowalskiglobal.com/multi-dimensional-mission-business-webinar777

Hope you can make it live & if not you shall receive the replay.

Choose 5D
Much love
Gaby 💜