The evolution of the crystalline grids on earth.

The crystalline grids on earth hold the codes & templates of our previous golden ages of existence.⁣

As we now co-create a New Earth, these grids are more alive than they have been in a very long time.⁣

Yet, our New Earth is not a repetition of the old golden ages of existence.⁣

It’s the evolution of them all, templates from Atlantis, Lemuria, Ancient Egypt, Maya, Shambhala come together with New templates some Missioned souls have come to anchor into the crystalline grids are forming a new crystalline grid.⁣

And this is how we are creating a new golden crystalline age of existence, a New Earth ✨

This video is a snippet of the Beyond Business event & shares about the various grid work missions on earth.⁣

If you would like to see the whole event, please click here to access the replay: ⁣

Choose 5D ⁣
Much love⁣
Gaby ⁣💜


When you watch the replay you shall be held in the living field through the quantum now by my 12D soul family, councils of light & me 💛✨

We are holding the field as we are stabilizing this divine new grid, and so it also supports us to have you receive this activation during this time, as each person who receives this activation supports this grid work & helps to stabilize this beautiful codex into Gaia 💛🙏✨