Together, we journeyed to the heart of Ikaria Island, to an ancient celestial pyramid.
As one family, we co-created with the consciousness of the land, which revealed multidimensional portals to realities that can be achieved on Earth through all beings and forms of consciousness.
Ancient sites store energies that bypass time and space. When we connect to the energetic grids held by sacred lands, the potential for energetic exchange is infinite.
The grid work is communication with Mother Earth, is guided by the Soul, and is performed with an open, loving heart attuned to the field of creation, serving the oneness and unity of consciousness for all beings.
On that special day, Source worked through all of us to present to the world the beauty of pristine energy streaming from the heart of Ikaria into celestial realms, sharing codes of divine union within.
Love and unity always lead to joyful realities, fulfillment, and an abundance of grace.
May every being experience the bliss of contact with Gaia in their unique ways, contributing blessings to creation.