For many months now Polina and I have been initiating a new codex into the grids of our planet, a codex of Higher Realm Leadership.

There are messages around our planet that the New Earth is to be led by the Feminine, and the time of masculine leadership is coming to a close.

That the goddesses are rising and are here to create the New Earth…
Please take a moment with us to feel into your heart and feel what feels like the highest truth.

Our beloved Gaia is ascending beyond Duality Consciousness and desires to see her civilization ascend into unity.

This means that the new leadership of our beloved planet is not masculine or feminine…

It is both. The integrated consciousness of both divine feminine and masculine, the left & right brain co-creating together in pure harmony.

When we lovingly embrace both our feminine and masculine we unify and integrate parts that have appeared separate.

Our multi-dimensional feminine can feel, create, nurture & channel Gaia’s greatest vision with pure precision.

Our multi-dimensional masculine can build, master, and hold the new earth grids, portals, and timelines in full co-creation with Source until they stabilize and become our New Planet.

This means that a true embodied goddess or god, has integrated their divine masculine & feminine creation gifts.

As we ascend into unity consciousness we call back more and more of our creation capacity and our creation capacity is divinely infinite…

Those who feel the call of their Soul Mission to co-create a more loving planet are being invited to receive divine invitations of Higher Realm Leadership, to walk upon their highest timelines of service & contribution to our planet, galaxy & beyond.

If this resonates in your heart & you feel excited to activate more of your Soul Mission Leadership, we wish to invite you to join us and other evolving & ascending souls in a Free Global Channeled event.

Please click here for full details & to register your seat:
Much love, light & abundance,
Polina & Gabriela