This Lion’s Gate Portal is one of the most powerful moments for the creation of new realities!!
And so this year I have chosen to take part in a FREE online event and deliver an Abundance Activation on the 8th of Aug.
This is the first time I am delivering on this day, normally each year I set the full day aside for my own upgrades and creation of new realities and timelines, yet this year I feel to give even more to others during this time 🫶💛🫶

The event is called “Manifest Your Soul’s Wealth” and I would love to give you a ticket 🫶💛🫶🦁🕳️

The event brings together global spiritual leaders who share their wisdom, insights, and potent activations for you to embody your highest identity so you can amplify your impact and prosperity in the world.

Please Click Here to Find Out More!

This FREE online activation event is hosted by my colleague Tatiana Ivanova. Tatiana is a truly beautiful and service-driven soul, so I know you will receive tons of incredible value if you join us 💛

Here’s what you can expect from the event:

  • Soul Alignment With Your Mission Business: How to stay connected to your soul purpose so that your business is always a direct authentic expression of it.
  • Embody Your Soul Wealth: How entrepreneurs can create their highest work, lead by owning their full value & receive the wealth they rightfully deserve.
  • Embracing Your Natural Sensitivity in an Insensitive World: Discover how easy it is to harness your unique nature and rewrite your story from one of struggle to one of success.
  • Becoming Abundance: Activate Light, Love & Abundance Within.
  • How to balance: Divine Masculine & Feminine in business and life.
  • And so much more!
Join me on August 8th LIVE to Create and Step into Your Soul’s Higher Timelines.

>>Click THIS LINK to Get Access!

Much love,

Gaby 🫶