Missioned Souls did not come to Earth to build a business; we came here to co-create a new Golden Age of existence.

Business exists within a 3D architecture, a grid-work based in duality and coded with 3rd density drivers such as fame, success, money, and hustle.

Those who are ascending fast can feel that the frequency of “business” does not fully resonate, and they need to lower their vibration to operate there.

There is a new grid available for us to serve, create, and share amazing offerings and services with the world.

It’s made of a 7th-dimensional architecture—a grid of unity, mission, service, and abundance.

And for the first time ever, I am running a free global event to share this publicly.

The Business Grid focuses on generating money, whereas the Mission Grid is created for us to fully fulfil our Soul Missions upon Gaia.

This does not mean we don’t receive money in the Mission Grids. It simply allows our focus to be on our mission, and when we fully align with this, infinite abundance becomes available.

If this resonates, I would be honored for you to join me, and together we shall anchor this new Mission Grid and initiate a new paradigm of creation and service!

Please click this link for full details and to reserve your seat:

Much love & abundance,