Each of us is a powerful creator of worlds, and the embodiment of our soul light reminds us, with great precision, how to create our own unique and fulfilling realities here on Gaia.

For a long time, humanity has unconsciously created relationships within the pre-established grids of the modern world.

This means that, without realizing it, we create our realities based on the constructs of reality we believe to be true.

So, if we are plugged into society, fashion, celebrity culture, or the news, even in subtle ways, we create our realities within those constructs—and those constructs are very limiting.

If we wish to live on our highest timelines, we must create our realities from our own “Soul Grid,” not from “Society’s Grids.”

I invite you to join me for an extraordinary online retreat where you can receive practical wisdom for greater alignment, abundance, soul freedom, and fulfillment.

I am a guest speaker in this series, and I will take you on a life-altering initiation of your “Soul Grid,” where you will access the architecture of your soul to create within. Your soul’s architecture is truly limitless. 💛

The Radiant Rebirth Retreat brings together global spiritual leaders who share their wisdom, insights, and practical strategies for owning who you truly are, calling in greater levels of wealth and abundance, and taking soul-aligned action with ease.

Click the link below to Find Out More!

This FREE online retreat is hosted by my colleague, Kia Aileen. Kia is an Integrative Psychotherapist and Soul Alignment Mentor for women in their age of empowerment, who are driven to leave a positive impact on the world.

Here’s what you can expect from the retreat:

  • Unlocking Your Intuition through the Magic of Harmony: The 3 essential elements required to unlock intuitive potential.
  • Moving from Fear to Fearsome: How to move through fear to fulfill your Soul Purpose.

  • It All Starts with You: Understanding the 5 reasons you get the outcomes you do in your work and life.

  • Becoming a Conscious Creator: The most important steps to take when embarking on a journey of freedom and fulfillment.

  • Soul Alignment to Fuel Your Purpose: How to stay connected to your soul purpose so that your life is always an authentic expression of you.

  • Mental Health and Menopause: How to regulate your hormones for optimal mental wellbeing and spiritual growth.

  • Embody Your Soul Wealth: How to ignite your wealth frequency, own your full value, and receive the wealth you rightfully deserve.

  • Awaken the Courageous Leader Within: Discover how leading from the heart is key to impactful leadership.

  • Tapping into Soul Freedom: Discover EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), which can help you remove the blocks keeping you stuck.

  • Practical Spirituality: Exploring a realistic approach to changing the world.

  • And so much more!

This online retreat will be held over seven days, allowing you to explore various topics of spiritual, life, and business growth.

Click the link below to get access!

Much love & abundance,